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The chair of philosophy

In Rassian

The chair of philosophy is a part of faculty of law of the Orenburg state agrarian university and carries out educational, methodical, scientific and educational work. Teachers of chair conduct lessons with students, masters and post-graduate students. Disciplines, taught in chair, promote formation of the future experts a world outlook vital position, formation of high educational culture, skills of the independent decision both scientific, and professional problems.

The historical inquiry

The chair of dialectic materialism and Leninism which consisted of 4 employees has been created on May, 18th, 1930 on the basis of the Orenburg agricultural institute. Professor V.E.Kolokolkin headed the chair. In the mid-thirties the chair of dialectic materialism and Leninism has been renamed into chair of Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Since 1937 chair senior lecturer E.V.Bojarsky became the head. By this time the personnel structure of the teachers who have brought the contribution to business of preparation of experts of a national economy has considerably extended and has become stronger –V.I.Mazaev, I.P.Shaposhnikov, M.D.Sysorov (in 40th has been selected managing chair), A.I.Verinikin, V.S.Povaljaev, F.I.Samsonov, V.P.Seryogin. Teachers read lectures and seminar lessons on disciplines which they were conducted: « History of the CPSU "," Basis of scientific communism "," Political economy "," Philosophy "," Ethics "," Aesthetics ». In 1961 from chair structure the political economy chair was allocated, and in September, 1983 the chair was divided into chair of history of the CPSU and chair of Marxist-Leninist philosophy and scientific communism which was headed by senior lecturer I.V.Morozov. The chair structure included 12 employees - I.A.Sheshukov, D.V.Goncharov, I.B.Goptareva, Belikov, G.A.Verhovyh, P.S.Ivanov, N.V.Mukaseeva, V.N.Komantsev, V.S.Puzanev's h.p., Ю.Ш. The Sagittarius, N.I.Haritoshkin, etc., six from which were candidates of sciences. In August, 1984 the chair was a part of faculty of so-cial studies. In 1990 it is renamed into chair of philosophy and modern socialism. After reorganisation of faculty of social studies (1992) the philosophy chair has been transferred faculty of law. In 90th philosophy chair, was headed by senior lecturers Kashin V.V. and B.K.Kuchkin These years the chair works over the problems connected with a humanization and formations humanitarization of education.

The list of taught disciplines extends. A.N.Dubinin, O.M.Baranova, L.B.Polshkova, O.B.Shulcheva, V.L.Usmanova successfully defended master's theses; A.M.Maximov- doctor's. (1999). Educational and methodical works on taught disciplines (philosophy, legal philosophy, logic, political sci-ence, cultural science, social psychology), and also the monographic researches devoted to problems of the person, its place and a role in a society life become the results of activity of teachers. Since 2000 the chair is headed by professor A.M.Maximov. For these years the chair structure has replenished with teachers with special philosophical formation - O.M.Belova, L.I.Bezrukova, M.V.Eguneva, JU.V.Sazonova, A.V.Dorotjuk. The doctors of sciences Maksimov A.I., Raldygina G. M, V.V. Kashin, G.V. Korableva, can-didates of sciences Baranova O. M, Zilbershtejn E.V., Galieva E.B., Luttsev M. V, Karjagina J.A., Shulcheva O. B, Eguneva M V. work on chair now. In an end stage are L.I.Bezrukovoj's master's thesis. O.M.Baranova, M.V.Luttsev, E.B.Galieva work over theses for a doctor's degree. The special attention in work is given to perfection of educational process. Transition to student-centered paradigm of formation has given a push to use of methods of the training promoting increase of interest, independence, creative activity of students in mastering of knowledge.

Taught disciplines

The main task of the chair is the organisation and realisation at high professional level of educational, methodical and educational work the following disciplines: « Philosophy "," Cultural science "," Political science "," Logic "," Ethnoconfessional values "," History and philosophy of a science "," the Basis of philosophy of a science "," Legal philosophy ». Teaching of the given disciplines is carried out on all specialities and preparation directions.

The information on the head of chair

Maksimov Alexander Mihajlovich - the doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, the head of chair. In 1985 graduated from the Ural state university (philosophical faculty). At the Orenburg state agrarian university works since 1987, since 2000 – the head of philosophy chair. He conducts studies with students, masters and post-graduate students on disciplines« The Philosophy","Bases of philosophy of a science "," the History and science philosophies », carries out a scientific management of post-graduate students. A member of two dissertational councils. The author more than 60 scientific and educational and methodical works, including 8 monographies, from which 6 - in the co-authorship. In 1993 has protected the master's thesis «Alienation and development as freedom measurements: a problem of synthesis of Christian and Marxist alternatives», in 1999 - the thesis for a doctor's degree «Freedom as the contradiction of self-life and other being» on a speciality 09.00.01 - « Ontology and the knowledge theory». Area of scientific interests: Ontology, philosophical anthropology, problems of freedom, creativity, alienation, self-determination of the person.

The staff

The Structure of chair and its staff is approved by the rector of university. The chair structure includes professors, senior lecturers, the senior teachers, teachers.

Baranova Olga Mihajlovna Mihajlovna - the candidate of philosophical sciences, the senior lecturer. In 1973 graduated from the Orenburg state pedagogical institute of P.Tchkalov . Since 1996 has started to work as the part-time worker on chair of philosophy of the Orenburg state agrarian university, since 2001 - the regular teacher of chair. In 1999 has defended the the candidate dissertation on a theme «Socially - the philosophical analysis of phenomena of love and a genus » at the Bashkir state university. In 2004 she become the senior lecturer on philosophy chair. Baranova Olga Mihajlovna actively works over the thesis for a doctor's degree on a theme “The Absolute in system of structurization of a genus”. She participates in work on carrying out state exams. She is a head of a scientific student's circle "Search". Baranova Olga Mihajlovna is the author more than 80 printing works. Sphere of scientific interests: philosophy of love, marriage, a family, culture philosophy, gender philosophy, philosophy of a science and technics, sociology.She has an honorary title of Veteran of work of the Orenburg area.

Shulcheva Olga Borisovna - the candidate of political sciences, the senior lecturer. She graduated from historical faculty of the Orenburg state pedagogical university. In 1994 she graduated from the Russian academy of public service, branch of a personnel reserve in a direction. In 1991 has protected the master's thesis: « Policy of social justice and formation of the person ». She has been working in OSAU since 1985, teaches political science. The author more than 30 scientific articles, the co-author of two monographies. Sphere of scientific interests - political psychology, political and civil culture of youth, pedagogical deontology, axiology. The veteran of work of the Orenburg area.

Luttsev Michael Vjacheslavovich - the candidate of philosophical sciences, the senior lecturer. In 1995 he graduated from the Orenburg state pedagogical institute (historical faculty). In 2005 defended the candidate dissertation on a speciality 09.00.11" Social philosophy ». A theme of dissertational research is « Mentality and mentality as a phenomenon of life of the person, a society and armed forces». He works on the chair of philosophy since 2006. The taught disciplines: « Philosophy "," Political science ». The author of 15 scientific and 4 educational and methodical works. Sphere of scientific interests - questions and problems of social and political philosophy, the histories connected with relations of the power and a society, international relations.

Manannikova Marina Viktorovna – the candidate of philosophical sciences, the teacher. She graduated from faculty of social and humanities on a speciality"Philosophy". Since 2003 she works in OSAU, the taught disciplines: « Philosophy "," Cultural science ». In 2010 she has defended the candidate dissertation on a speciality 09.00.01" Ontology and the knowledge theory »on a theme: «Ontologic aspects of the totalitarian person (experience of the philosophical analysis) ». The author of 11 scientific publications, is the co-author of manuals and collective monographies.

Solonjuk Julia Alekseevna – the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the teacher. She graduated from historical faculty of OSPU on a speciality «The History and cultural science». She works in OSAU since 2006. The taught disciplines are ”Cultural science "," Phi-losophy “. In 2007 she has defended the candidate dissertation on a speciality of 13.00.01"General pedagogics, pedagogics and formation history» A dissertation theme is « Education of multiculturalism on the basis of the integrative-module approach». The author of 25 scientific publications, the co-author of the manuals prepared by the faculty of chair of phi-losophy. Sphere of scientific interests: a problem of the person in the conditions of a polycultural society.

Galieva Elena Borisovna – the candidate of historical sciences, the senior teacher. In 2002 graduated from the Orenburg state agrarian university (faculty of law). Works in OSAU since 2006. The taught disciplines:« Cultural science "," Political science ». In October, 2006 has protected the master's thesis on a speciality 07.00.02 - Domestic history on a theme« the Ground policy of the government in second half XIX - the beginning of the XX-th centuries and its realisation in Southern Urals Mountains ». Works over the thesis for a doctor's degree on a theme «The Ground policy of the government in days of the Soviet power». The author of 17 scientific publications, the co-author of the manuals prepared by the faculty of chair of philosophy. Sphere of interests: historical and legal aspects of development of ground relations in Russia.

Golubev Alexander Nikolaevich – the teacher. In 2006 has ended the faculty of social and the humanities of the Orenburg state university on a speciality of "Philosophy". Upon termination of training has received qualification of «. The Philosopher. The teacher ». Since 2006 up to 2007 worked as the assistant at the Orenburg state institute of management. Since 2008 works as the teacher at the Orenburg state agrarian university. The author of three scientific articles, the co-author of the manuals prepared by the faculty of chair of philosophy. Sphere of scientific interests - an ontologic and gnoseological problematics of philosophy of a science. Works over the master's thesis on a theme: «The Scientific knowledge. Syncretic aspect».

Educational and methodical works

For the purpose of increasing the efficiency of educational process on philosophy chair:

  • curriculums and Educational and methodical complexes of the taught disciplines are developed;
  • continuous perfection of quality of teaching taking into account specificity of modulno-rating system is provided;
  • scientific and methodical level of carrying out of lecture and seminar employment, efficiency of independent work raises;
  • complex methodical maintenance of subject matters of chair, including preparation of textbooks and the uchebno-methodical grants providing use of the most expedient forms and methods of training, methodical receptions, innovative training technologies is carried out.

Material support

Teachers of philosophy chair are used modern information technologies in the course of training.

Scientific work

  • researches on fundamental scientific-theoretical and practical problems are carried out.
  • texts of monographies, articles Are discussed and recommendations to their publication are given.
  • teachers will organise educational and research work of students, actively get them to take part in conferences of various level.

A cultural and sports life of chair.

Teachers of chair take part in the sports competitions spent on the basis of the Orenburg state agrarian university, in a cultural life of HIGH SCHOOL. Within the limits of discipline "Cultural science" teachers Galieva E.B., Manannikova M. V, Solonjuk J.A. will regularly organise visiting by students theatres and museums of a city, an exhibition of artworks. Under the guidance of chair teachers work research mugs such as "Search" and «the Person of the XXI-st century».

Prospects of development.

The philosophy Chair confidently looks ahead. As acknowledgement it is served by a long-term plan of development of chair till 2019. Chair work is spent within the limits of the selected theme «the Person: its place and a role in a civil society» which should help teachers and students to understand spent democratic transformations, to find the high political and legal culture necessary for successful functioning of a civil society. Employees of chair ac-tively work over increase of the scientific qualification: defense of the thesis are planned: master's theses (2012 - Bezrukova L.I., 2015 - Sazonova J.V. 2016 - Golubev A.N.) and doctor's (Baranova O. M - 2016, Luttsev M. V - 2015год, Galieva E.B. - 2015). Following monographies prepare for the edition: «Self-determination of the person: history and the present» - the collective monography. «Freedom of the person: the ontologic bases and its realisation in social space» - Maksimov A.M., Beljaev I.A. «the Absolute Problem in system of structurization of a gender» - Baranova O. M «the Authoritative power and the Russian society: interaction problems» P.1-Luttsev M. V «the Ground policy of the government in days of the Soviet power» - Galieva E.B.

The Contact information of the site:

OSAU, the case № 1, faculty of veterinary medicine and biotechnologies, an audience 22. The address: Orenburg, street Cheljuskintsev, 18. Phone: 8(3532) 77 - 40 - 49. Journey by buses №: 45, 36, 25, 28, 21, 56, 15., 67 Responsible for the information: the head of the Philosophy chair, the doctor of philosophical sciences, professor A.M.Maksimov