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The Chair of Theory and History of State and Law

In Rassian

The Chair of Theory and History of State and Law was established at the Law faculty in September 2000

The History of the Chair's Development

The head of the chair is the candidate of legal sciences, the senior lecturer Smirnovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna.

The Chair of Theory and History of State and Law was established at the Law faculty in September 2000.

The Chair of Theory and History of State and Law works with students of 1-5 courses, it is also engaged in the preparation of graduates for the international legal specialization on a speciality 030501 Jurisprudence, and it prepares students for final qualification of the state exams on the disciplines «Theory of State and Law» and «International Law». The Chair annually performs more than 30 diploma works. Scientific research is conducted in various areas, such as International Law, International Private Law, History of Russian State and Law, Theory of State and Law, Family Law. Students of international legal specialization have the opportunity to pass the industrial practice in the courts of general jurisdiction, the prosecutor's office of Orenburg and its region, in Orenburg Trade-industrial Chamber, as well as in various commercial and non-commercial structures, involved in the enforcement of the law.


Smirnovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna

is the candidate of legal sciences, the senior lecturer, and the head of the chair of Theory and History of State and Law.

She graduated from the Moscow All-Union Legal Institute, specialty "Jurisprudence" in 1984.

She worked as a legal adviser of "Strela's" law department. She has the experience of teaching for 21 years, including her teaching of Fundamentals of the Legislation in the Orenburg Co-operative Technical School. From 1995 to the present time she is working at the Law Faculty of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. In 2007 Smirnovskaya defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of legal sciences on the speciality 12.00.03 "Civil law; business law; family law; international private law" in the Institute of State and Law of RAS in Moscow. She was given the academic rank - senior lecturer in 2010.

Scientific interests: Family motherhood and childhood, and the legal protection of minors’ interests.

She has more than 50 scientific publications, including the central legal journals; she published 3 methodical manuals on the subject "Family law".

She takes part in the annual international congresses' work, organized by the National public committee "Russian family", as well as in other All-Russian and international conferences.

At the present time, Smirnovskaya is actively engaged in scientific research institute of a family with children as objects of legal protection.

In 2011 she took part in the competition for a grant as a project manager on organization and holding all-Russian scientific-practical conference on the basis of Law Faculty of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. The all-Russian scientific - practical conference "Social and legal problems of civil society's formation in the Russian Federation" with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund and the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region was held on the 21-23 of April, 2011.

Naidyonova Inna Alexandrovna – the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, faculty of history and law, the Ufa Law Institute of MIA of Russia, post-graduate studies. In 2006 she defended the dissertation research on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences. The general experience of her pedagogical activity is 22 years; 12 years are in the system of higher university education. She is the author of more than 16 published scientific articles. She participated in over than 20 scientific conferences. Her sphere of scientific research is the state village of Orenburg province in the early 19th century. She pays special attention to the study and improvement of educational-methodical process.

Kochetkova Elena Alexandrovna – is candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer. She graduated from the historical faculty of the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute in 1994. From 1995 to 1997, she was trained in the internal postgraduate study at the department of History of the Fatherland, OSAU. In 1999 her thesis on Russian history was defended in OSPU. She has the second higher law education. Since 1998 she is a lecturer at the chair of Theory and History of State and Law. Her general experience of pedagogical activity is 18 years. She teaches history of Russian state and law, history of political and legal doctrines. She is the author of more than 30 published scientific papers, 5 methodical instructions on the history of Russian state and law, 2 textbooks on the history of political and legal doctrines, e-reader on the history of Russian state and law. Kochetkova participated in over than 20 scientific conferences. In 2000 she became the winner of the competition of scientific works of young scientists and specialists of Orenburg region; she has the charters of administration of the OSAU for highly professional pedagogical activity. In 2010 she was awarded the academic title of senior lecturer. The sphere of her scientific research is the history of state and law of the Russian empire in XIX - early XX centuries. She is the author of such scientific publications as "The Electoral rights of Russian peasants during the second half of the XIX century", "Status of the peasant crime in the second half of the XIX century", "The Educational system of the peasant population in the Orenburg region in the second half of the XIX century", "The history of agricultural education of peasants in the second half of the XIX century", "The Elections of deputies in the IV State Duma: the legal framework and the reality (by materials of Orenburg province)", "Political views on human rights (Russian traditions of the 18th century)", "Legal regulation of the organization of people's readings in the second half of the XIX century", "Legal regulation of the contract of commission at the end of the XIX century", "Institute of insolvency in the Russian law (XI - XVIII centuries)", "Legal regulation of the protection of young orphans' rights under the Russian legislation of the XVIII century", "The criminal liability of minors in the Russian legislation of the XIX - XX centuries", "The legal status of brokers in the Russian legislation of the 19th century", "The Judicial functions of district election chiefs on the reform of 1889" and others. Elena Alexandrovna pays special attention to the study and improvement of training's educational-methodical process on the following directions "The Use of written forms of work on the seminars on the History of the Fatherland", "Legal culture: a modern condition and problems of development", "Scientific nature of university education: problems of revival", "Forms of the final control of students' knowledge: analysis of practices and modern models", "Use of learning's computer forms in the lawyers' training (on the example of the discipline «History of Russian State and Law»)

Ivanova Natalia Nikolaevnagraduated from the Orenburg State Agrarian University, the law faculty in 2001. From 2001 to 2004 she was engaged in legal practice (the cadastral chamber). In 2004 Ivanova was accepted on a post of the teacher of Theory and History of State and Law's chair in the Orenburg State Agrarian University, she teaches the following disciplines: "Theory of State and Law", "Problems of Theory of State and Law", "European Court of Human Rights". To improve the quality of teaching in 2006 she passed professional retraining at the Orenburg Regional Institute of Retraining and Improvement of Managerial Personnel’s Qualification of Agro industrial Complex's Specialists on the program "Pedagogy and psychology of agrarian education" and defended the certification work on the theme "the Formation of a culture of pedagogical activities of the teachers of Institutes of higher education" in November, 2011, she had an internship in a law firm. She combines the work in a higher education institution with a scientific work (working on her dissertation on the theme "the Interest as a category of the constitutional law"). Ivanova participated in scientific-practical conferences with the reports "Civil society as the institutional form of expression of person's constitutional and legal interests", "Person and prosecution: the theory and practice of national interest's implementation in Russia", "The state's Constitutional interests in the civil law in the Russian Federation", "The Role of civil society in ensuring the person's constitutional and legal interests in the Russian Federation", "The Concept of the Russian law as one of the forms of interests' protection in the constitutional law". Her articles on the issues of the implementation's improvement of the constitutional interests were published in the journals "Vestnik of Chelyabinsk state university", "Bulletin of the Orenburg state university", in scientific studies of the Russian academy of legal sciences.

Konstantinova Aksana Viktorovna graduated from the Orenburg State Agrarian University, Law faculty in 2001. In 2001 Konstantinova Aksana Viktorovna was accepted on a post of the teacher of Theory and History of State and Law' chair of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. At the present time she teaches the disciplines: "International law", "International private law", "Diplomatic consular law", "Law of international treaties", "Legal regulation of patent and licensing relations in foreign trade". To improve the quality of teaching she attended a course in the Orenburg Regional Institute of Retraining and Improvement of Managerial Personnel’s Qualification of Agro industrial Complex's Specialists on the theme "Methodology of teaching in higher educational institutions". In July 2010 she had an internship in the chamber of Commerce and industry of the Orenburg region. She is a candidate at the Udmurt State University and is working on the theme of the thesis "Civil responsibility for the harm caused by minors under the age of 14", her scientific director is the honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, doctor of legal sciences, professor V.N.Yakovlev. In 2010 Aksana Viktorovna has entered magistracy on the basis of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. She is training for the master's program "Constitutional law, Municipal law", the theme of her master's work is " The norms' implementation of international law on the rights of the child in the Russian legislation: constitutional legal aspects", her scientific director is the doctor of legal sciences, Professor A.A. Uvarov. Konstantinova takes an active part in different scientific-practical conferences with the reports "The Compensation of losses as a means of protection of civil rights "International adoption's problems of children and possible ways of their overcoming", "International legal regulation of foster families' institution", «To the question of international protection of child's rights ". She publishes her articles in collections of scientific works of the Orenburg State Institute of Management, in the materials of the all - Russian scientific - practical conferences.

Troshina Olga Vladimirovna graduated from the Orenburg State Agrarian University, law faculty, civil-legal specialization in 2005. Since 2007 she works part-time at the Theory and History of State and Law's chair, she teachers International private law, International protection of human rights, Humanitarian law. In 2010 she has entered magistracy, faculty of constitutional and municipal law. Her main place of work is LLC "Agrovis", position of the lawyer, her general experience of practical work is 6 years.

Muha Evgeny Alexandrovichgraduated from the Customs College at OSAU on speciality "jurisprudence" in 1999. In 2003 he graduated from the law faculty of the Orenburg State Agrarian University with a degree in law. From 2003 to October 2006 he worked in the collegiums №11 as a lawyer's apprentice. From October 2006 till the present time he works as a teacher of the chair Theory and History of State and Law. He teaches the following disciplines on the 1st course: "The Theory of state and law" on day time branch, "History of state and law of foreign countries" on day time and correspondence departments, and also he maintains the following special courses: "International organizations and conferences", "International commercial arbitration", "International transport law" on the 5th course. He combined his practical activities of the elective speciality with scientific activity. Evgeny Alexandrovich participated in scientific - practical conferences by making a presentation on the topic "Legal status of refugees and forced migrants on the Russian and international legislation", his report was published in collection "The Problems of protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual on the contemporary stage: Russian and international dimension". He is a trade union organizer of the department for trade union activities; he was awarded a diploma in 2008.

Lemeshko Alsou Kijametdinovnagraduated from the Orenburg State Agrarian University of civil-legal specialization in 2011. After graduating from law faculty she was accepted as a teacher at the chair of Theory and History of State and Law. She teaches "Family law", "History of state and law of foreign countries".

Antropov Denis Alexandrovich studied at the Orenburg State University, law faculty, civil - legal specialization from 2003 to 2008. Since 2008 he began to practice law. From September 2010 he worked as a teacher of the Customs College on the basis of the Orenburg State Agrarian University on a part time basis. His taught disciplines are Constitutional law of the Russian Federation and Municipal law of the Russian Federation. Since April 2011 he is a Legal Counsel. From September 2011 he works as a teacher at the chair of Theory and History of State and Law. He teaches Theory of state and law, International trade law.

Maksimenko Elena Ivanovna graduated from the Orenburg State University on a speciality "Jurisprudence" in 2001. She is a member of International Law Association from 2007. Elena Ivanovna was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences on a speciality 13.00.08- theory and methodic of professional education by the dissertation council D 212.180.01 of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University on October 29, 2008 and it was approved by the Higher Attestation Commission on December 19, 2008. In 2002 she was adopted at the assistant's post at the law faculty, since 2003 Elena Ivanovna holds the position of a teacher. Her general experience of work at university is 9 years, including the pedagogical experience of 7 years. By the order of the dean N.B. Sherbashetva of 24 January, 2006 she was declared gratitude for scientific methodical work, successes in educational activities. Maksimenko E.I. is the author of scientific publications in journals recommended by Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation: the Formation of students' legal culture, who study the speciality "Taxes and taxation" // Higher education today, 2008; Pedagogical conditions and formation's means of students' legal culture in the speciality "Taxes and taxation" // The Average vocational education, 2008; and in central printing magazines: The Educational functions of the tax administration to be! // Taxes and taxation, 2005; the Moral of the beginning of the educational function of the tax administration // Taxes and financial law, 2006; Subject-centric basis for realization of educational process in the tax administration / Maksimenko // Vestnik of OSU, 2007; Structural components' issue of the students' legal culture // Academic journal of Western Siberia, 2009. She took part in the XIV International scientific-methodical conference "Problems of the quality's managing of education in humanitarian university", «The legal culture of law enforcement bodies as the basis for the dialogue between the public and private interest». Saint - Petersburg, 2009; Regional scientific-methodical conference. Subject-centric approach to teaching of students // Actual problems of the multi-level higher professional education: collection of works regional scientific conf. - Samara, 2005. Elena Ivanovna took an active part in the implementation of the educational-methodical developments at the law faculty: Jurisprudence. Collection of tasks: training manual 2005. - P. 86 - 104. Tests on jurisprudence: textbook 2006; Jurisprudence: textbook. 2008.

Korobitsina Natalya Alexandrovna graduated from the law faculty of the Orenburg State Institute in 2006. In 2011 she is engaged in teaching activity in the Orenburg State Agrarian University, the chair of Theory and History of State and Law on a part time basis. Her main job is the inspector for the promotion of a separate battalion of traffic police service, the Police Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Orenburg region.

Educational work

The teachers of practice are involved into the educational process' participation (Troshina O.V., Antropov D.A., Korobitsina N.A., Naidenov I.A.). The chair also cooperates with well-known scientists-lawyers, including Yakovlev Vasily Nikitich, doctor of law, professor, and honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, who takes part in the educational process, assisting in scientific-research activity of candidates, postgraduates and students. Yakovlev V.N. is an active participant of scientific-practical conferences, organized and carried out by the chair.

Educational work with student

Teachers of the chair are the curators of the 2nd-year students, studying on a speciality 030501 "Jurisprudence". In the process of educational work curators pay special attention to the students’ spiritual and moral upbringing. For these purposes they have repeatedly held talks, lectures and discussions. In 2010 it was recognized as the best provider- chair of law faculty. Curators also pay attention to students’ out-auditoria activity, including sports. Students of Orenburg State Agrarian University are known for their sport achievements far beyond the Orenburg region:

Arnautov Nikolay Andreevich

The silver medalist of the Cup of Russia in boxing, Obninsk, 2010;
The bronze prize-winner of Championship of Russia, Anapa, 2010;
Three times champion of the Volga Federal District in 2009, 2010, 2011;
The absolute champion of the Orenburg region;
The bronze prize-winner of the International Tournament "Golden gloves", Serbia, Belgrade, 2011;
Candidate for Master of Sport; 10 years in boxing.

Valeev Rinat Abdulovich

Champion of Russia in karate, 2010, Moscow;
Silver prize-winner of All-Russia Youth Games, 2009, Anapa;
The double champion of the Volga Federal district, Saratov;
Repeated Prize-winner of the Orenburg region, Orenburg, Orsk, Novotroitsk;
Candidate for Master of Sports;
The holder of a Black Belt;
13 years in karate.

Huseynov Timur Tahirovichis a member of the OSAU handball team "Burevestnik". He took the second place in the championship of Russia among the Universities in Astrakhan in 2011, the first place in the Championship of the Orenburg region in 2010. He plays in the main staff of the Russian Championship on handball among men's teams of 2010-2011; he is in handball for 4 years.

Student achievements in scientific-research activity:

I. Under the leadership of candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer Kochetkova Elena Aleksandrovna the students of the law faculty took part:

1.In the V th scientific-practical conference "Students and post-graduate students in science 2011" with international participation at the Orenburg State Agrarian University (18-19 April, 2011): Boldyrev A. S. (11 group) "Marriage contract-history and modern trends", Drobotov A.A.(11 group) "The right of Suffrage: the history and problems of modernity".

2. In the All-Russia scientific-theoretical conference "Actual questions of development of statehood and legal system in modern Russia" in Orenburg Institute of the Moscow State Law Academy (April 22, 2011): Tuzhikova Y. (11 group) «The Sea law of the XIX century" Zakharov B. (11 group) "Trade transactions in the Russian empire in the XIX century" Sutormina E. (11 group) "Contract of rail transport in the 19th century". Sutormina E. became the winner, having taken the second place, according to the results of the section «History of State and Law's» work.

3.In the student's course conference on the History of Russian State and Rights on the basis of the first course of law faculty on the topic "History of the regular police' establishment in pre-revolutionary Russia" (May 30, 2011), 24 student reports are prepared.

4.Course student conferences on the discipline «History of Russian State and Law» are annually conducted.

5.A competition of design works on «History of Russian State and Law» on the basis of the first course of law faculty is planned to conduct on December, 2011.

II. There is the circle of Family law for the students of law faculty on the1 -5 courses at the faculty. The head of the chair, candidate of law, the senior lecturer Smirnovskaya S.I. conduct lectures - conference on Family law.

Lecture- conference ( between courses) "Forms of children's placement, who left without parental care"

Smirnovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna - the head of the chair of Theory and History of State and Law, the candidate of legal sciences, the senior lecturer of the Orenburg State Agrarian University.

Students of 1- 5 courses of the law faculty, OSAU are the participants of the conference.

The student of 34 group, Nikuradze Natalie, made the report on the theme: "Problems of Russian children’s adoption by foreign citizens".

III. On the 21-23 of April, 2011 the chair of Theory and History of State and Law organized and held at the law faculty of the Orenburg State Agrarian University the all-Russian scientific-practical conference "Social legal problems of civil society’s formation in the Russian Federation". The conference was held with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Research Foundation of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region, in which the scientists and practical workers from cities: Moscow, Saratov, Orenburg, Ufa, Ulan - Ude, Izhevsk, Uralsk, and also employees of the bodies of executive and legislative authorities of the Orenburg region, students, post-graduate students and applicants of various universities participated with the reports. According to the results of the conference a collection was published. IV. The Chair’s teachers participate in various scientific and practical conferences of the All-Russian and international levels : the Association of law schools, Buryat State University; the Centre for legal support of Russian interaction with the countries of the Asia - Pacific region; Kazan (Volga) Federal University; Research Centre of Private Law under the President of the Russian federation; the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian federation; the Government of the Ryazan region; Russian State social university; National public committee "Russian family"; the State committee on youth affairs of the Government of the Russian federation.




Students receive awards for participation in scientific-research work.


Methodical work of the chair

The following educational-methodical manuals of the chair's basic educational disciplines are published:

  • E. Kochetkova. The history of Russian state and law: Educational-methodical instructions for students of the internal form of training. Orenburg, 2005.
  • E. Kochetkova. The history of Russian state and law: Educational-methodical instructions for students of the correspondence form of training. Orenburg, 2005.
  • E. Kochetkova, Komleva N.A. History of state and law of foreign countries. The educational-methodical materials for students of the correspondence form of training and students, receiving the second higher education. Orenburg, 2005.
  • E. Kochetkova. History of political and legal doctrines: Educational-methodical manual. Orenburg, 2005.
  • Smirnovskaya S.I. The family law. The educational - methodical manual for students of internal and correspondence forms of training. Orenburg 2006.
  • E. Kochetkova. The history of Russian state and law. Educational-methodical instructions for students of the internal form of training. Orenburg, 2007.
  • E. Kochetkova. The history of Russian state and law. The educational-methodical materials for students of the correspondence form of training. Updated and supplemented. Orenburg, 2009.
  • E. Kochetkova. History of political and legal doctrines: Educational-methodical manual. Orenburg, 2010.
  • Prokofyev, L.V.. History of political and legal doctrines. The educational-methodical materials for students of the correspondence form of training. Orenburg, 2010.
  • Proshina N.M., Fly E.A. History of state and law of foreign countries. Educational - methodical instructions for students of the internal form of training. Orenburg 2010.
  • Smirnovskaya S.I. The family law. The educational - methodical manual for students of the correspondence form of training receiving the second higher education. Orenburg 2010. (Electronic version).
  • Smirnovskaya S.I. Theory of state and law. The educational - methodical manual for students of the correspondence form of training, receiving the second higher education. Orenburg 2010. (Electronic version).
  • Smirnovskaya S.I. The family law. The educational - methodical manual for students of the internal form of training. Orenburg 2011.
  • Smirnovskaya S.I. The family law. The educational - methodical manual for students of the correspondence form of training. Orenburg 2011.

Vocational guidance work.

The chair actively cooperates with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Orenburg region, where students pass practical and pre-diploma practice and acquire professional skills, studying, analyzing and collecting practical material at the departments "Patents and trademarks", "Legal" and others. The chair invites Chamber of Commerce's employees for the professionally-oriented conversations.