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The chair of civil law and process of the law faculty of the OSAU

In Rassian

History of development of the hair of civil law and process

The chair of civil law and process of the OSAU was formed in 1995 under a management of candidate of law science, the senior lecturer Tatyana Petrovny Iosifidi. At the chair from the date of its basis such teachers worked: I.E. Tsaplina, L.I. Kalinina, S.I. Smirnovskaja, V.I. Bulatova. In 1997-1998 the chair structure has replenished with graduates of law’s faculty of OSAU: T.G. Kudashovoj, N.V. Pustotinoj, O.G. Skorobogatovoj, N.A. Botovoj.

Since 2000 the chair of civil law and process was headed by the senior teacher Kudashova Tatyana Gennadevna.

Now duties of the managing chair are executed by the candidate of pedagogical sciences Svetlana Aleksandrovna Chuljukova.

Personnel structure of the chair of Civil law and process.

On the chair of Civil law and process teachers with the following scientific degrees (with degree of the doctor of jurisprudence, with degree of the candidate of legal, pedagogical sciences) work. Teachers of chair have the higher juridical education, and also the corresponding experience of practical work (worked as lawyers; simultaneously are legal advisers at the enterprises, establishments, the organizations, judges).

Chuljukova Svetlana Aleksandrovna is the candidate of pedagogical science, the managing chair.

Chuljukova Svetlana Aleksandrovna has ended faculty of law of the Orenburg State University in 2001. On civil law and process chair she works since November, 2001. She actively is engaged in scientific activity. In 2010 Svetlana Aleksandrovna has protected the master's thesis on a speciality «Theory and vocational training of methodology», has received a degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences. Since February, 2011 she fulfils the duties of the managing chair of civil law and process.

Sphere of scientific interests: civil law, the conventional law, the insurance right, the ecological, ground right.

Iosifidi Tatyana Petrovna is the candidate of jurisprudence, the senior lecturer, the professor of chair

In 1975 she has finished the faculty of law of the Kazakhstan state university of name S. M. Kirov. With 1977 to 1994 Tatyana Petrovna worked at the Karagandinskij state university as the managing chair of Civil law and civil process. Since 1995 she has been selected on competition by the managing chair of Civil law and process of Orenburg State Agrarian university. She has protected the master's thesis at the Kazakhstan State university by the name of Al - Faraby on a speciality 12.00.03 "Civil law. Civil process». Tatyana Petrovna teaches the discipline Civil law.

Krivolapova Lyudmila Valentinovna is the candidate of jurisprudence, the senior lecturer

Lyudmila Valentinovna sas ended All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute in 1972. More than 30 years she worked as the legal adviser at the enterprises of various branches of a national economy, including All-union association "Permlesprom". Since 1996 she has begun the teaching activity. On the chair of civil law and process of ОGАU she works since 2000. In 2001 Lyudmila Valentinovna has protected the master's thesis on a speciality 12.00.06 in the Saratov State Academy of Law (SGАP) on a theme: «Legal maintenance of compensation of ecological harm». Since 2001-2007 she fulfilled the duties of the managing chair of civil law and process. She teaches the commercial right, a notariate. The sphere of scientific interests is a civil turn of property rights, legal regulation of the permission of ground disputes.

Pahomov Dmitry Sergeevich is the candidate of jurisprudence science

Dmitry Sergeevich was born on October, 19th, 1974 in Orenburg. In 1997 he finished with distinction the Moscow state academy (the Orenburg branch) on a speciality "Jurisprudence".

In 1995-1996 he worked as the legal adviser in Open Company« Industrially-building management. «Monolit». In 1997 he worked as the legal adviser in Joint-Stock Company« Investment company "Accept".

In 2002 Dmitry Sergeevich has defended the dissertation on a speciality «Civil law, enterprise (the economic right), the international private law, the family right» on a theme: «Legal regulation of execution of bill obligations». At the same year he was awarded by the diploma of the winner of competition of scientific works of young scientists and the experts, organized by Administration of the Orenburg area.

Per 2003 he was trained under the Federal program of preparation of administrative shots for the organization of a national economy of the Russian Federation at of the Inter-regional institute of management. 1997-2006 Dmitry Sergeevich worked as the teacher, then the senior teacher of chair of the enterprise right at the Orenburg institute (branch) of the Moscow state legal academy.

With 2002 to 2007 Dmitry Sergeevich was the general director of Open Company "Ekspert-lawyer". In 2006-2007 he was the director of the Orenburg representation of Noncommercial partnership «the Self-adjustable organization of arbitration of managing directors at Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation». Since 2007 he was the assistant to the general director, and from the beginning of 2008 is the general director of Open Company «South Ural the anti-recessionary company».

Since 2011he works in combination on the chair of Civil law and process of OSAU. His sphere of scientific interests is the civil and the enterprise right.

Kozlovtsev Michael Petrovich is the candidate of pedagogical sciences

Michael Petrovich was born on September, 21st, 1982. In 2004 he has ended the Faculty of law of the Orenburg state university. In 2004 he has begun to study in the internal postgraduate study, in 2007 Michael Petrovich has protected the master's thesis and has received degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences. Since 2006 he worked as the teacher of the right in the Orenburg musical pedagogical college. Since 2007 he works «Gazprom Podzemremont. Orenburg» as the legal adviser. Since 2011 he works in combination on the chair of Civil law and process of OSAU. His sphere of scientific interests is the civil law and the commercial right.

Tsvetkov Alexey Aleksandrovich, the candidate of jurisprudence

Alexey Aleksandrovich has ended the Orenburg institute (branch) of the Moscow State Legal Academy on a speciality: Jurisprudence. Now he is the pro-rector of study work of OGIМ, heads the chair of the Government and history. Since 2011 he works in combination on the chair of Civil law and process of OSAU. His sphere of scientific interests is the bank right and the tax right.

Ruzaeva Elena Mihajlovna is the candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Elena Mihajlovna was born in 1979 in Aktyubinsk. In 1996 she graduated from the secondary school, has arrived in the Orenburg state university which has ended with distinction. In 2008 she has protected the master's thesis on a theme « Research work as means of formation of ekologo-legal literacy of the future lawyer». Elena Mihajlovna works as the senior lecturer of chair of civil law and process of the Orenburg state university since September, 2001. She carries out all kinds of methodical work, supervises over preparation of student's reports at scientifically-practical conferences. She accepts the active participation in carrying out and the organization of round tables, scientifically-practical conferences, the Olympiads on problems of the labour right and the social security right. At the lectures the teacher often enough uses interactive technologies of teaching; the work at seminars in small groups; the use of practical situations, group discussions, testing of knowledge and skills of students etc. Ruzaeva E.M. enjoys authority and respect among the students and employees of university. Her sphere of scientific interests is the labour right, the social security right, the ecological right and the insurance right.

Tulina Natalia Mihajlovna

Tulina Natalia Mihajlovna has ended Orenburg branch VJUZI in 1984 on a speciality "Jurisprudence", specialization is criminalities. Since 1981 to 2002 she served in investigatory divisions OVD and the Department of Internal Affairs of Orenburg. Since 2002 Natalia Mihajlovna is a member of lawyer chamber of the Orenburg area, has founded a lawyer office, specializes on criminal, civil and family affairs. Since September, 2003 she teaches on the chair of civil law and process such disciplines as the Civil procedural right, the Arbitration procedural right, the Executive right and Legal profession. Natalia Mihajlovna is trained in an internal magistracy in a direction «The constitutional, Municipal right».

Drobot Marina Aleksandrovna – - in 2002 has ended the Orenburg institute (branch) of the Moscow state legal academy. She works on the chair of Civil law and process 2004. She conducts employment on disciplines the Housing right, Features of legal proceedings on separate categories of civil cases. Her sphere of scientific interests is medical services, the housing right, civil process and the corporate right. She is trained in an internal magistracy in a direction «The Constitutional law, the Municipal right». Marina Aleksandrovna works over the magister dissertation on a theme: «Constitutional -legal bases of realization of the right of citizens on dwelling».

Kofanova Natalia Anatolevna - has ended in 1986 Sverdlovsk legal institute of Rudenko. Since 1986 she has begun her work as the lawyer in UPP VOS of Orenburg. In 1991-1992 She worked as the judicial police officer of the Central area of Orenburg. Since May, 1992 she is appointed to the post of judges of Dzerzhinsky area of Orenburg. In 2000 she is appointed to the post the federal judge of Arbitration court of the Orenburg area. Her teaching activity on chair of Civil law and process she began in 2002.

Maksimova Oksana Jurevna finished the faculty of law of the Orenburg state agrarian university in 2011 and has begun work on chair of civil law and process as the teacher and is appointed to the post the assistant to the dean on educational work of faculty of law. Her sphere of scientific interests is civil law and intellectual property. She teaches the following disciplines: «the Roman right», «Public organizations and their role in formation of a civil society». Oksana Jurevna is the curator of 12 th group, actively participates in preparation of students for carrying out of student's conferences, various actions spent both at faculty, and in university as a whole. Oksana Jurevna takes part in interuniversity and international scientific conferences. She published more than 5 scientific articles, in 2008 has occupied the first place on the Olympiad «Presidential elections of the Russian Federation», devoted to Day of the young voter.

Hamitova Gulnaz Vilevna is the teacher Upon termination of faculty of law OSAU has begun work on Civil law and process chair. In 2011 it is appointed to the post the assistant to the dean of faculty of law. Teaches discipline «the Bank right», spends a practical training on discipline "Civil law".


Kudashova Tatyana Gennadevna -has finished faculty of law of OSAU in 1997 and has begun work on the chair of civil law and process as the teacher. In 2001 she was appointed to the post of the managing chair. She works over the master's thesis. Her sphere of scientific interests is reception the Roman right, the law of succession.

Barabanova Julia Sergeevna is the teacher. In 2003 Julia Sergeevna has finished the faculty of law of OSAU. Since September, 2003 she has begun her work on the chair of Civil law and process as the teacher. She spent a practical training on discipline "Legal profession". Since 2004 she worked on the chair of the Labour right. In 2010 in connection with abolition of chair of the Labour right she was led on the chair of Civil law and process. Julia Sergeevna conducts classes on disciplines: the Enterprise right, Jurisdictive documents in civil process. She is trained in an internal magistracy on a direction of «The Constitutional law, the Municipal right». Julia Sergeevna works over the magisterial dissertation on a theme: «Constitutional-legal bases of enterprise activity».

Zaharova Elizabeth Aleksandrovna is the laboratorian.

The study work

The following disciplines are taught on the chair: The Civil law, the Civil procedural right, the Arbitration procedural right, the Executive manufacture, the Enterprise right, the Conventional law, the Roman right, the Housing right, the Law of succession, the Bank right, the Commercial right, the Corporate right, Jurisdictive documents, Features of legal proceedings on separate categories of civil affairs, Intellectual property, the Notoriety.

The chair actively co-operates with the known scientists-lawyers: the doctor of jurisprudence, professor Kamyshansky Vladimir Pavlovichem and the doctor of jurisprudence, professor Filippov Peter Martynovichem. Under the invitation of faculty of law professors Kamyshansky V. P. and Filippov P. M. take part in the study, conduct lecture lessons on the Enterprise right and the Civil law.

All disciplines of chair are provided by the basic literature which contains in the library of OGAU, of the electronic library system "Fallow deer", «KnigaFond», Union of Right Forces "Guarantor". All teachers have a card-access to the given information resources.

Methodical security of disciplines are studied.

The chair of Civil law and process are developed and are constantly updated by study-methodical complexes on all disciplines by teachers of the chair: the Civil law, the Civil procedural right, the Conventional law, the Arbitration process, the Executive manufacture, the Enterprise right, the Commercial right, the Notariate, the Housing right, the Law of succession, the Roman right, etc. Applications to UMK on credit-modular system of training which also are developed and are constantly improved. The chair is provided by a computer class that gives the chance to students to use legal-reference system "Guarantor" on a practical training.

Monographies, textbooks, manuals.

The monography «the Legal estimation and insurance of ecological risks: the theory and regional practice». - M: the pedagogics House, 2011 - 148 with., is published by the candidate of pedagogical science Chuljukovoj S.A.

Chuljukovoj S.A. prepares and publishes the study-methodical grant: «Legal bases of ecological safety (for students day and correspondence course of faculty of law)» - Orenburg: Publishing centre OGAU, 2003 г - 52 with.; the study-methodical grant «Preparation of the future lawyers in sphere of ecological safety». - M: the pedagogics House, 2010. - 111 with.

The senior lecturer of chair, the candidate of juridical science Krivolapova L.V. published the monography «the Civil turn of property rights: the theory and practice»; the study-methodical grant for students of faculty of law «Delectable obligations, norms of private and public law».

Practical activities of teachers

Since 2005 Chuljukova Svetlana Aleksandrovna is engaged in practical activities in sphere of registration of two side-multilateral transactions and their legal support, the rights to real estate (the ground areas, re-plannings, reconstruction of inhabited and uninhabited premises, transfer of premises from an available housing in uninhabited and back), registrations of the building license and input of objects in operation. She combines the teaching activity with a work of the legal adviser in legal firm «The Housing capital».

Since 1981 on 2002 Tulina Natalia Mihajlovna served in investigatory divisions OVD and the Department of Internal Affairs of Orenburg. Since 2002 she is a member of lawyer chamber of the Orenburg area, has founded a lawyer office, specializes on criminal, civil and family affairs.

Since 2003 Drobot Marina Aleksandrovna is engaged in practical activities, works as the legal adviser in Open Company «The Orenburg building company».

Since 2002 Kofanova Natalia Anatolevna works as the federal judge of the Arbitration court of the Orenburg area.

The educational work with students.

The teachers of chair are curators of student's groups of the first course of faculty of law. Chuljukova Svetlana Aleksandrovna is appointed by the senior curator of a course. The curator of the 11th (SPO) group is Tulina N.M., the curator of the 11th group is Hamitova G. V, the curator of the 12th group is Maksimova O. U, the curator of the 13th group is Chuljukova S.A., the curator of the 14th group is Drobot M. A.

The senior curator makes the plan of educational work for a course, the curators of groups make it in groups. The given plans have been considered on the faculty meeting and confirmed by the managing chair according to the Plan and the Concept of educational work in OSAU.

The educational work is directed on formation at students of the advanced civic stand, the responsible relation to the study, also educational work is directed on the formation of good behaviour in a society, the continuous enrichment by moral values, harmonious spiritual and physical development.

Within the limits of realization of curator work teachers carry out the control over the progress of students of supervised group, analyze results of progress and attendance of classes together with students, and also visit theatres, exhibitions, museums, etc.

Student's achievements in scientifically-educational activity.

Students of faculty of law, under the guidance of teachers of chair, actively are engaged in a science, take part in various conferences and actions. So, for example, on April, 8-9th, 2011 the command of faculty of law of OSAU took part in «the All-Russia Judicial debate - 2011», spent in the city of Kazan on the basis of Faculty of law of the Kazan (Privolzhsky) federal University.


On the 09th of November, 2011 in sport complex of OSAU Sport Games have been spent among students of all divisions of OGAU, including students of the first course of a civil-law profile. The purpose of the given Sport Games was the propagation of a healthy way of life among students of OSAU. Before organizers of competition, they were the student council «Union of students of OSAU» and the trade-union organisation of students and post-graduate students of OSAU. They have acted at support of chair of physical training and sports, there were the following problems:


  1. the attraction of Youth to sports.
  2. realisation of personal possibilities of students
  3. development in students of command spirit

In competitions one command from each educational division in number of 10 persons (5 young men and 5 girls), and also support group have taken part.

Following the results of action the best commands-winners which have been awarded by prizes and diplomas were defined. The students of the first course of faculty of law have occupied the forth place.

We invite to conference.

We invite you to the conference

Interuniversity Scientific-practical conference "Current Problems Of Formation And Development Of Civil Society In Russia And Abroad" will take place on the 20th -21st of April 2012 at Orenburg State Agrarian University, it will be devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Law Faculty of OSAU.

The conference is held by the Law Faculty of the Orenburg State Agrarian University.

The conference will be held in the following areas:

  1. Features of university legal education in the implementation of the FBSES HPE.
  2. Problems and prospects of development of legislation in terms of Russian society’s democratization
  3. Formation of citizenship as a basic quality of modern man. Stages of democracy and civil society in the context of globalization.
  4. The values of the civil society in a changing world.
  5. The formation of professional competence in a future lawyer’s university education, its resources and risks.

Will you inform us about your participation in the conference before January 23, 2012. You should send an application to participate in the conference in the attached form (Appendix) and abstract.

Abstracts (in the format rtf) shall meet the following requirements: up to 5 pages, font Times New Roman, size 14, spacing 1.5, footnote page at a size 10. In the upper right corner write your surname and initials of the speaker, degree, title, position, then in the center the theme is indicated.

Application form and abstracts are sent to the Organizing Committee in electronic form at Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript (request and report must be sent in two separate files attached to the letter, in the subject e-mail, you must specify the name of a participant) in writing or by e-mail address: 460000, Orenburg, Chelyuskintsev street, 18, the Department of Civil Law and Procedure. The envelope should be marked "FOR CONFERENCE 2012".

Publication of Proceedings of the conference is planned by the end of the conference.

Venue: Orenburg, Chelyuskintsev street, 18, Faculty of Law.

Organizing Committee:

  1. The President - Rector of OSAU , Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.V. Karakulev
  2. Vice-Chairman - Vice-Rector of OSAU, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Petrova G.V.
  3. Deputy Chairman - Vice President for Academic Affairs, Candidate of the biological sciences, Goncharov A.G.

Members of the organizing committee:

  1. Head of the department of theory and methodology of education at OSU, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science - Kiryakova A. V.
  2. Dean of the Law Faculty OSAU, Candidate of Legal Sciences, professor Iosifidi T.P.
  3. Acting Head of Department of Civil Law and Procedure Law Faculty of OSAU - candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer Chulyukova S.A.
  4. Vice-dean on education of Law Faculty of OSAU, lecturer Maksimova O. Y.

You can contact the Organizing Committee by e-mail Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript if you have questions.

Contact people:

Acting Head of Department of Civil Law and Procedure Law Faculty of OSAU - candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer Chulyukova S.A., phone 8(3532) 77-03-32

2. Vice-dean on education law faculty OSAU, lesturer Maksimova O. Y., phone 8(3532) 77-03-32.

Scientific - theoretical teacher’s seminar at the Law Faculty of Orenburg State Agrarian University on the topic "New Legislation of the Russian Federation" will take place on the 1st, 8th of December 2011.

On the 1st of December the Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law Professor A.A. Uvarov and the Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure senior-lecturer Tsibart E.E. make presentations.

On the 8th of December 2011 Senior-Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Krivolapova L.V., Senior-Lecturer of the Department of Land and labor law, N.V. Gulak, Senior-Lecturer of the Department of Land and labor law Ivanova, S.V. make presentations.

The meeting of the Council of the Law Faculty with an agenda for the work plan will be held on the 8th of December 2011 in class 50 at 2 p.m.

Ceremonial event "Debut of Freshman" will be held on the 16th of December, 2011 in the auditorium of the main building. Staff and students are invited.

Christmas party for employees' children will be held on the 27th of December 2011 at 2 p.m. in the foyer of the University. Students’ Theatre will show the New Year's tale at 3 p.m. in the auditorium. Admission is free.