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Chair of land and labour law

In Rassian

History of development of the chair.

From 1992 till 1995 the chair of labour law was headed by Candidate of Law Science, senior lecturer Vasiliy Nikitovich Danilenko.

From 1995 till 2010 over the chair of labour law was supervised by Doctor of Law Science, Professor Dmitry Georgievich Iosifidi (3/5/1952 - 2/15/2010).

D.G. Iosifidi had graduated from the faculty of law of the Karaganda state university in 1980 where subsequently worked as a senior teacher of the chair of labour law. In 1988 he defended the master's thesis on speciality 12.00.05 "Labour law. Social security law» at the Zhdanov Leningrad state university under the guidance of the winner of the State award of the USSR, Doctor of Law Science, Professor A.S. Pashkov. In 2001 Dmitry Georgievich Iosifidi defended a thesis for the Doctor's degree on the subject: «Kinds of labour relations and the problem of their legal regulation » on speciality 12.00.05 "Labour law. Social security law». D.G. Iosifidi defended his project in the dissertational council of the St. Petersburg state university. The official opponents were Doctor of Law Science, Professor A.M. Kurennoj, Doctor of Law Science, Professor S.J. Golovina, Doctor of Law Science, Professor E.B. Khohlov, the leading organisation was the chair of labour law of the Moscow state law academy.

While working at the faculty of law of the Orenburg state agrarian university he prepared and published the following scientific works:

The form of realisation of labour in a modern social production and its legal mediation. Orenburg: Publishing centre of the OSAU, 1999. – 248 pages.

Kinds of labour and the modern state of their legal mediation. Orenburg: Publishing centre of the OSAU, 2000. - 264 pages.

Social security law. A textbook for higher law schools. Moscow: Law and state, 2003. - 479 pages. and other scientific works, educational, teaching methodical aids on labour law and social security law.

In 2010 after the reorganization and unification of two chairs the chair of labour law and the chair of the land law were transformed into the chair of land and labour law. Candidate of Law Science, senior lecturer Alexander Vladimirovich Chichkin was elected the head of the chair.

Personnel structure of the chair.

At present five candidates of Law Science (Chichkin A.V., Gulak N.V., Ivanova S.V., Bakirova R.T., Postavnaja N.P.) ; two Doctors of Law Science, professors (Brinchuk M. M, Ikonitskaja I.A.).; two teachers Beletskaya R.I., Fedorenko V. A. work at the chair.

Чичкин Александр Владимирович

Chichkin Alexander Vladimirovich - Candidate of Law Science, head of the chair

Chichkin A.V. was born on November, 11th 1980, got a higher education, graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy in 2002. The same year he entered an internal postgraduate course on speciality 12.00.06. – “Natural resources law; agrarian law; ecological law” at chair of land law of the ОSАU where he prepared the master's thesis on the subject «The legal regulation of the social development of the village», his scientific supervisor being Doctor of Law Science, Professor Bobylev A.I. Simultaneously he worked as a teacher of the chair. In 2007 he successfully defended his dissertation at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Chichkin A.V. teaches discipline “Agrarian law”.

Гулак Наталья ВалентиновнаGulak Natalia Valentinovna - Candidate of Law Science, senior lecturer

Gulak N.V. has a higher education, graduated from the Orenburg State University in 1980. She worked as an assistant to the dean of the faculty of law in the Orenburg State University. From 1995 till 1998 Gulak N.V. studied at the postgraduate course (as a research student) on speciality 12.00.06. - “Natural resources law; agrarian law; ecological law” where she wrote a dissertation for a scientific degree of Candidate of Law Science on the subject: «The legal protection of the environment from pollution». In 1998 she successfully defended the dissertation at the legal institute of the Bashkirskiy state university in Ufa. From 1998 till 2005 Gulak N.V. worked at the faculty of law of the OGU as the head of the chair of ecological and land law. In 2002 she was awarded the academic status of a senior lecturer. In the OSAU she has been working as a senior lecturer at the chair of land law since September, 2005. Gulak N.V. teaches disciplines “Land law”, “Civil turnover of lands”.

Поставная Наталия ПавловнаPostavnaja Natalia Pavlovna - Candidate of Law Science, senior lecturer

Postavnaja Natalia Pavlovna was born in the town of Orenburg. In 1974 she graduated from the All-Union legal institute on speciality “Jurisprudence”. The total length of practical activities on the chosen speciality is more than 40 years including her work in the bodies of the Prosecutor’s Office, the Bar, local governments. For her long-term honest work promoting strengthening of legality, law and order, protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens in 2008 according to the decision of the Orenburg city council she was awarded an honorary title «The Deserved lawyer of Orenburg».

Postavnaja N.P. combined practical activities on elected speciality with scientific research. She defended a dissertation on the subject «Organizational - legal maintenance of municipal management with the use of city settlements’ lands» on December, 15th, 2010 and according to the decision of the Dissertational council of the Institute of legislation and comparative jurisprudence at the Government of the Russian Federation she was awarded a scientific degree of Candidate of Law Science.

From 1/10/2011 Postavnaja N.P. was accepted as a senior lecturer at the chair of land and labour law of the Orenburg agrarian university. She teaches Ecological Law, Legal Regime of Lands with an Agricultural Purpose.

Bakirova Rafilya Talgatovna- Candidate of Law Science, senior lecturer

Bakirova Rafilya Talgatovna was born on July, 8th, 1981 in the Orenburg region, Matveevskiy district, village Matveevka. In 1998 she finished Matveevka’s secondary school with a distinction. From 1998 till June, 2003 she studied at the faculty of law of the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university». Bakirova R.T. received an honoured degree diploma IBC 0094647 (Decision of the State Attestation Committee of June, 9th, 2003), qualification "A lawyer" on speciality "Jurisprudence". From October 2003 till October, 2006 she studied at the internal branch of a postgraduate course on speciality 12.00.06 “Natural resources law; agrarian law; ecological law”. On October, 17th, 2006 Bakirova R.T. defended her dissertation and was awarded a scientific degree of Candidate of Law Science at the Institute of state and law of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). The diploma has series DKN№ 015511, Decision of the State Attestation Committee of January, 19th, 2007 № 3К/27.

Career: from September, 2003 till September, 2004 - a teacher of the chair of international law at the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university»; from September 2004 till April, 2007 – a teacher of the chair of land law at the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university»; from April 2007 till December, 2007 - a senior teacher of the chair of land law at the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university»; from December 2007 till May, 2009 - a senior lecturer of the chair of land law at the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university»; from January 2007 till May, 2009 - a leading scientific specialist at the Orenburg centre of research of law and legislative initiatives of land law at the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university» (combining two jobs); since May 2009 till present time - a chief of the department of legal and financial control of land law at the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university», discharge of duties since May 2009 till present time – a senior lecturer of the chair of land law at the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university» (internal combination). Bakirova R.T. teaches discipline “Land Law”.

In 2007 she was awarded a grant founded by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation «On measures of state support of talented youth».

Ivanova Svetlana Vitaljevna - Candidate of Law Science, senior lecturer

Ivanova Svetlana Vitaljevna has a higher education. In 1998 she graduated from the Orenburg state agrarian university, speciality "Jurisprudence". Since 2003 for three years she studied at an internal postgraduate course on speciality 12.00.06. - “Natural resources law; agrarian law; ecological law” at the chair of land law of the Orenburg state agrarian university. In 2006 Moscow she successfully defended her dissertation on the subject «The legal regulation of rent of lands having an agricultural purpose» at the Institute of state and law of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Ivanova S. V. teaches discipline “Social security law”.

Федоренко Валентина АлександровнаFedorenko Valentina Aleksandrovna – a teacher

In 2004 Fedorenko V.A. graduated from the faculty of law at the federal state educational institution of higher vocational training «The Orenburg state agrarian university». Since July, 2004 she works at the faculty of law as a teacher. Since September, 2005 she was appointed an assistant to the dean of the faculty of law, continuing to work as a teacher of the chair of land law. In 2006 Fedorenko V.A. passed professional retraining at the Orenburg regional institute of retraining and improvement of professional skills of managerial personnel and specialists of the agrarian-industrial complex in the program «Pedagogics and psychology of agrarian education». In 2007 she started to participate in legal practice. Now she is a research student of a correspondence course on speciality 12.00.09 - Criminal trial, criminalistics; operative-search activity. Fedorenko V.A. teaches disciplines “Labour law”, “Labour disputes”.

Beletskaya Raisa Ivanovna - a teacher

Beletskaya Raisa Ivanovna has a higher education, graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy. The length of service in the Orenburg state agrarian university is 9 years. Beletskaya R.I. teaches disciplines “Legal maintenance of modern land management”, “Water law”.

Иванчукова Марина ВладимировнаIvanchukova Marina Vladimirovna - a laboratorian of the chair of land and labour law. Ivanchukova M.V. is a 2nd - year corresponding student at the faculty of law of the Orenburg state agrarian university.

Academic work.

At the chair agrarian, land, ecological law, labour law and social security law are studied; the following special courses of various problematics are read: “The Legal regime of lands having an agricultural purpose” - 4,5th years of studies; “The civil turnover of lands” – 3d year of studies; “International ecological law”- 3d year of studies ; “Labour disputes” - 4th year of studies.

The chair actively co-operates with famous scientists-lawyers: Doctor of Law Science, Professor Brinchuk Mikhail Mikhajlovich and Doctor of Law Science, Professor Ikonitskaya Irina Aleksandrovna. Being invited by the faculty of law Professor Brinchuk M. M. and Ikonitskaya I.A. participate in academic work, hold lectures in ecological and land law.

All disciplines of the chair are provided by basic literature which is in the library of the OSAU as well as in the electronic library system "Lan", «KnigAfond», "Garant". All teachers have a card-access to the given information resources.

Methodical provision of the taught disciplines.

In all disciplines of the chair teaching methodical complexes of 2 and 3 generations are developed, and also employees of the chair publish teaching methodical aids for students: Iosifidi D.G. Social security law; Iosifidi D.G. Labour law; Гулак N.V. Ecological law,Land law; Rysaev F.B. Social ecology; Ivanova S.V., Chichkin A.V. Ecological law; Ivanova S.V., Chichkin A.V. Agrarian law.

Scientific activity.


Within the frame of the faculty’s general subject of the research which is «The problems of a civil society’s formation and development» directions of scientific research of the chair are defined as follows: the role of a civil society in the maintenance of food safety of the Orenburg region, the problems of a civil society in constitutional law maintenance under favorable environment, the legal protection of lands having an agricultural purpose, maintenance of ecological safety while manufacturing agricultural production, registration of the property right to land and its realisation in modern conditions (the Orenburg region being an example). On the given themes articles in collections of articles have been published, employees of the chair take part in conferences held at the faculty on the given theme. Financing sources (means of the OSAU and other sources).


Chichkin A.V. participated in scientific seminars and conferences conducted in the following cities and towns: Moscow, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Ufa, Saratov, Ekaterinburg, Uralsk, etc.

Chichkin A.V. is the author of more than 25 scientific articles. A.V.Chichkin also prepared and published in the publishing house «Law and state» in Moscow a monography «The legal regulation of social development of the country».

In 2010 he became the winner of the competition «Skilled specialists for the Orenburg region» held by the Russian agrarian movement. Also in 2010 he was awarded with the letter of thanks by the Head of Orenburg town for honest work, high professional level in the decision of legal issues. In 2011 he was awarded with the Letter of thanks by the Department of the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Privolzhskiy federal district for great contribution in increasing the prestige of the lawyer’s profession, jurisprudence and legal practice development, qualified rendering of legal services to the population of the Orenburg region.


Гулак N.V. continues to participate in scientific work actively. In 2010 she prepared and published a monography «The legal protection of the environment from pollution (using the materials of the Orenburg region) ». Гулак N.V. took part in more than 30 scientific conferences and forums. She wrote and published more than 60 scientific articles, 2 manuals in ecological and land law.

In 2011 she was awarded with a diploma in the nomination «Law, science and education» by the regional branch of the Association of lawyers of Russia.

Поставная N.P. participated in scientific - practical conferences making reports on the subjects «The relation of contract and settlement issues in the field of wildlife management and protection of the environment», «Application problems of land-law rules in the light of the local government reform». Also her articles concerning the perfection of land resources management by local governments were published in «The Journal of the Russian law», in the journals «Law and state: theory and practice», «Legislation and economy».

Bakirova R. T. prepared and published more than 40 scientific works, including comments to the Federal law «About a personal subsidiary farm» and to the Federal law «About agriculture development», some competitive works, articles. In May, 2006 she became the winner of the all-Russian competition of the youth of educational institutions and scientific organizations for the best work «My legislative initiative», organized by the State Duma of the Russian Federation together with the National system of development of scientific creative and innovative activity of the Russian youth "Integration". Bakirova R. T. was awarded with diplomas, the distinction «Deputy reserve», an anniversary sign «The State Duma. 100 years».


Ivanova S.V. participated in the following scientific conferences: all-Russian scientific - practical conference «Actual problems of agrarian and land law» in Orenburg, 13 - 14th October, 2003; all-Russian scientific conference «Actual problems of the legal system of a society» in Ufa, 16 - 17th December, 2003; international scientific - practical conference «Social - legal guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the Russian Federation» in Orenburg, 1 - 2nd March, 2006; scientific-practical conference «Problems of the protection of rights and personal freedoms at the present stage: the Russian and international aspects» in Orenburg, May, 15th, 2009; the all-Russian scientific-practical conference «Social and legal problems of the formation of a civil society in the Russian Federation» in Orenburg, April, 21-23st 2011; annual XVII all-Russian scientific-practical conference «Actual problems of ecological, land law and legislation» (Sofrino-17) in Moscow, May, 23-24th, 2011.

Ivanova S.V. is the author of 17 scientific articles and a monography «The legal regulation of rent of lands having an agricultural purpose: theory and practice», published in the publishing house “Law and state” (Moscow). At present continues to take an active part in scientific work.


Beletskaya R.I. participated in the following scientific seminars and conferences: an international scientific-practical conference «Social-legal guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the Russian Federation», the fifth all-Russian scientific-practical conference «Theoretical problems of development of the legal system of Russia» in Moscow, the Legal institute of MIIT; the sixth all-Russian scientific-practical conference « Theory and practice of law and order in modern conditions» on April, 7-8th, 2009 in Moscow, the Legal institute of MIIT. Beletskaya R.I. participated in the all-Russian scientific - practical conference «Social and legal problems of the formation of a civil society in the Russian Federation» held on April, 22-23nd, 2011 in Orenburg at the Faculty of law of the Orenburg state agrarian university at support of the Public chamber of the Orenburg region. Beletskaya R.I. is the author of over 15 scientific articles such as: «The system of higher and scientific education in Russia and in the nearby abroad countries» in the Bulletin of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University; «Management of forestry in the Russian Federation» in the collection of articles “Social-legal guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the Russian Federation”. Orenburg: Publishing centre of the OSAU, 2006; «The legal protection of water objects from pollution in agriculture». In the international collection of scientific works of agrarian and legal higher educational institutions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, other CIS countries and EU states. Volume 2; «The legal regulation of land relations, wildlife management and protection of the environment in agriculture of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, other CIS countries and EU states». Moscow. March, 2009; «The legal protection of underground water objects from contamination//Law and state: theory and practice. 2010, № 11.Pages 79-82. - 0, 3 printed items. “To the question of legal protection of underground water objects from contamination// Agrarian and land law. 2010. № 11. Pages 67-73. - 0, 3 printed items. «The legal protection of underground water objects from exhaustion//Law and state: theory and practice. 2011. № 4. Pages 62-68 - 0, 3 printed items. “General description of legal responsibility for water offences// Agrarian and land law. 2011. № 7. Pages 59-67. - 0, 6 printed items, etc.

Fedorenko V. A. repeatedly took part in all-Russian online seminars on the following subjects: «Contracts in investment-building activity: legal regulation and arbitration practice», «Asking for a debt: a legal mechanism and tools», «Arbitration practice on tax disputes», etc.

In 2009 Fedorenko V. A. had a special training under the program of the 2nd Meeting of Orenburg’s working youth «The Future begins today!», the organizers of which were the Department of youth policy of Orenburg administration, Мunicipal board of pre-school education «the Perovskiy Center of children and youth», ОGМОО «Young Orenburg».

Fedorenko V. A. took an active part in international scientific - practical conference «Dialectics of modern innovative mechanisms in the settlement of legal conflicts». Orenburg, 9 - 10th December, 2010, etc. She is the author of the article «The Defender in criminal legal proceedings» // Collection of scientific articles.


Practical activities of teachers.

Since 2003 Chichkin A.V. has been combining his teaching activity with advocate’s practice, rendering legal aid to citizens and legal bodies in criminal, civil and arbitration cases.

In 2010 Fedorenko V. A received the status of a lawyer and renders legal aid to physical and legal bodies in criminal, civil and arbitration cases.

Organisation of students’ independent work

Each teacher of the chair participates in the organisation of students’ independent work on the basis of sections and subjects put in the working program for independent studying, and also according to the schedule developed by the dean's office concerning its distribution in kinds.

The material learnt by students independently is controlled at the lessons and during consultations, the information about their time and place being specified on the chair bulletin board.

Data on methodical and electronic maintenance of students’ out-of-class work at the chair are given in a discipline and its availability at the computer room.

Educational work

Educational work is done by teachers of the chair on speciality 030501 “Jurisprudence” in the first and third years of studies.

The senior curator of the course is appointed the head of the chair A.V. Chichkin. The curator of group 31 is a senior lecturer A.V. Chichkin, groups 32 and 21 having secondary professional education (SPE) - R.I. Beletskaja, group 31(SPE) and 14 гр. - N.V. Gulak, groups 31 studying for a bachelor’s degree and 13- V.A. Fedorenko, group 11- S.V. Ivanova, group 12 - N.P. Postavnaja. The senior curator makes the plan of educational work for a course, curators of groups – for groups. These plans have been considered at the faculty and confirmed by the head of the chair in accordance with the Plan and the Concept of educational work of the ОSАU.

Educational work is aimed at the formation of advanced civic position of students, a responsible attitude to studying, good behaviour in the society, continuous enrichment with moral values, harmonious spiritual and physical development. During the first week of studies teachers acquainted with students in the form of an interview, filled log-books of teaching and educational work in which they inserted biographical data of students, in particular names, surnames and patronymics of parents, residing addresses, places of their work, family structures, etc.

In each group candidates to the heads of groups and their assistants (five persons from each group) were proposed by students and curators. Heads of groups and their assistants were chosen jointly by students and curators in coordination with the dean's office.

Every week curators of groups and the curator of the course analyze non-attendance of lessons according to special reports and represent the data to the head of the chair so that the latter brought them to the dean's office. The reasons for non-attendance of lessons are revealed. Students that missed their classes are organised and supervised to fulfill work as persons on duty in the building of the faculty. Curators hold meetings in groups following the results of intermediate certifications. They participate actively in collective public actions, such as dedication to students, amateur performances, etc.

Curators are on duty in the students’ hostel under the schedule developed by the dean's office. While being on duty they do some educational work about residing rules in the hostel.

Students' achievements.



Under the guidance of teachers students took part in the following actions: 1. Certificate of a participant in «Days of youth science in the Orenburg area» was given to the student Gamm T.A., her supervisor being Ivanova S.V.; 2. Gratitude for participation in «the All-Russian judicial debate - 2011»; 3. An official document «Sports Russia» was given to the student Bobyrev R. for winning the 1st place among high schools of the Orenburg region; 4. An official document for participation in the competition «Student of 2010 year» was given to students Khajrullin R. S, Kiseleva A.J., Gorokhova J.V.; 5. Ten certificates for active participation in the scientific practical conference of students, young scientists on May, 13-14th, 2010 at the faculty of law of the OSAU; 6. A diploma to student Beznosjuk I. for the 1st place in the section as a result of work of the scientific practical conference «Problems of protection of rights and personal freedoms at present stage»; 7. A diploma for the 3d place in the section as a result of work of scientific practical conference «Problems of protection of rights and personal freedoms at present stage» was given to the student Tchaplygin M. Voronin Dmitry Igorevich, the student of group 32 took part in the following actions: a conference «Actual problems of development of a civil society at present stage»: «The concept of an “average” class as a support of a civil society» (May, 13-14th, 2010); a conference «Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian Federation":" Institute of financial and economic bases of local government as an element of a civil society »(April, 21-23d, 2011); a conference «Elections and responsibility: the basic criteria of humanitarian strategy of democratisation of the Russian society ":" the Column «Against all» as the form of expression of a civic position»(April, 27th, 2011); a correspondence conference «Problems of drinking and driving» (2011); a business game (administrative law): «Prohibition on roads » (2010); a business game (public service):«The Law on police: pros and cons» (2010); a students’ games (a sports event) (2010). Gorokhova Julia Vladimirovna, group 32, took part in the following events: a scientific practical conference of students, post-graduate students, young scientists: «Actual problems of development of a civil society at present stage ». The article was headlined «Inheritance in the Roman law. Reception of law», 13-14 May, 2010; she was awarded with a certificate for active participation. A conference held within the frame of "The week of students’ science» “Elections and responsibility: the basic criteria of humanitarian strategy of democratisation of the Russian society. The title of the article: «On some problems of the electoral system in the Russian Federation », April, 27th, 2011; the All-Russian scientific practical conference «Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian Federation », April, 21-23d, 2011. The title of the article: « Constitutional-legal guarantees of maintenance of a person’s dignity at realisation of measures of medical intervention (transplantation of bodies). She was awarded by a certificate for participation in the town competition «The student of 2010 year». She also took part in a correspondence conference «Problems of drinking and driving» (2011); a business game (administrative law): «Prohibition on roads » (2010); a business game (public service):«The Law on police: pros and cons» (2010).



Employees of the chair actively go in for sports and support a healthy way of life. So, Chichkin A.V. goes in for snowboarding, Gulak N.V. - skiing, field and track athletics, Fedorenko V. A. - volleyball, Ivanchukova M. V - track and field athletics, Postavnaja N.P. - swimming, Ivanova S.V. - volleyball, skiing, Beletskaya R.I. - sports walking.


Postgraduate study.

At the chair of land law there is a postgraduate course in speciality 12.00.06 “Natural resources law; agrarian law; ecological law”. During its existence three dissertations for a scientific degree of Candidate of Law Science were prepared and defended under the guidance of Doctor of Law Science, Professor Bobyleva A.I.: Chichkin А.V. - the subject of the research is «The legal regulation of social development of the country», Ivanova S.V. - the subject of the research is «The rent of lands having an agricultural purpose», Bakirova R.T. «The legal regulation of the activity of personal subsidiary farms». Natalia Valentinovna Gulak also supervised research and post-graduate students. In 2004 her post-graduate student defended a dissertation for a scientific degree of Candidate of Law Science in speciality: 12.00.06. - “Natural resources law; agrarian law; ecological law” the subject being «The legal regulation of ecological insurance in the Russian Federation» at the Saratov academy of law.

Contacts of the chair with state bodies, the public.

Chichkin А.V. is an independent expert of the state ecological expert committee of the Ministry of natural resources, ecology and property relations of the Orenburg region and is also an independent expert of the attestative, competitive commission and the commission on observance of requirements to office behaviour of federal civil servants and settlement of the conflict of interests at the administration of the Federal service of judicial police officers in the Orenburg region. He took an active part in the event «Days of the ОSАU» (free legal consultations were afforded for village population and heads of agricultural enterprises in the district centres of the Orenburg region).

Gulak N.V. Since 2006 till present time under the recommendation of the Rector of the ОSАU simultaneously with scientific and teaching activity Gulak N.V. is a member of the commission on law-making activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region (the commission is established by the Decree of the governor of the Orenburg region A.A. Chernyshov). In 2007 she was the basic developer of the program and reports of sessions of Heads of municipal formations of the Orenburg region under the invitation of the assistant to the mayor of Orenburg Shchipachev. Gulak N.V. actively co-operates with the Trading Industrial Chamber of the Orenburg region under the invitation of its president. She is a lecturer of the teaching business centre of the Trading Industrial Chamber, conducts talks, round tables on ecological and land property questions. Gulak N.V. is an independent expert of the state ecological expert committee of the Ministry of natural resources, ecology and property relations of the Orenburg region.

Bakirova R.T. In 2008-2010 received letters of thanks from the main federal inspector on the Orenburg region, the Head of Orenburg and the chairman of Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region for professionalism, conscientious attitude, etc. Bakirova R.T. is now the legal expert of the United Nations under the Program of development of the UNO/SEF in the Orenburg region in two projects realised at the territory of Russia, and also the director of the Orenburg centre of research of law and legislative initiatives of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution “The Orenburg State Agrarian university”;

From the moment of the public association of lawyers’ creation in Orenburg Postavnaja N.P. conducts a social activity on a voluntary principle, being a member of the public organisation «The Union of lawyers of the Orenburg region» and a member of "The Association of lawyers of Russia».

Address: Orenburg, Cheluskintsev street 18, faculty of law, 2nd floor, room №55. Telephone number: (3532) 77-03-32, e-mail: chichkin-ogau@ yandex.ru