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The Department of the Constitutional and municipal law

In Rassian

The head of the department is the doctor of Law, professor Uvarov Alexander Anatolevich

The address: 460014, Orenburg, street Cheljuskintsev, 18
Faculty of law, class 34 .Phone: (3532) 77-59-32

History of the development of Constitutional and Municipal Law department

The Law faculty was created in 1992 in OSAU. It consisted of Department of Theory and History of State and Law headed by the candidate of Law A.S.Ivanov.

The staff of the faculty was: professor G.M.Raldygina, senior- lecturer A.S.Schukin, senior- lecturer V.S.Puzanev, lecturer V.V.Shestov, lecturer N.P.Komleva; part-time work- lecturers: D.V.Kulagin ( the chairman of the Regional election committee), U.V.Andreyev (former chairman of the Regional election committee), etc.

The Constitutional and Municipal Law department was created in 2003 as a result of reorganization at the Law faculty of OSAU. The doctor of Law, professor A. A.Uvarov became the head of the department.


The teaching staff of the department consists of: 1 doctor of Law, professor, 4 candidates of Law, 3 - the senior- lecturers, 6 lecturers.

image004.jpgProfessors and lecturers of the department The head of the department is the doctor of Law, professor Uvarov Alexander Anatolevich

Alexandr Anatoljevich finished All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law. Since 1980 he worked as a legal adviser of state industrial enterprises and organizations; an investigator; a consultant and a head of legal departments of various units of administration in Orenburg region. His teaching career began in 1986 as a professor of constitutional law in Orenburg branch of All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law. From 1995 to 2001 he was the Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law at the Law faculty OSAU. From 2003 till now Alexander Anatoljevich is the Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law at the Law faculty OSAU. He teaches the following discipline: constitutional law in Russia, local governments in Russia, constitutional justice, etc.

Combining teaching and research activities Alexander Anatoljevich defended the thesis at the Thesis Council of the Moscow State Law Academy in 2002. The topic of his thesis was "Local Government in relation with state power in the Russian Federation: problems of development and interaction." Alexander Anatoljevich got the degree of the doctor of Law. In 2007 Uvarov A.A. was awarded with the title of professor of constitutional and municipal law.

Uvarov A.A. is the author of more than 130 scientific articles, monographs and educational text books concerning the constitutional and municipal law.

Lecturers of the department Tukusheva I.A. (2007), Glebova (Grishaeva) Y.I. (2007), Zhukov S.M. (2010) defended their theses under the supervision of A.A. Uvarov.

Uvarov A.A. is the winner of the Governor’s award in the Orenburg region in the field of science and technology in 2006 (for the training course "Local government in Russia"), he was awarded with the Orenburg gratitude for the conscientious work (2008) and the gratitude of the Legislative Assembly of Orenburg region for many years of conscientious work and great contribution to the preparation of highly qualified specialists (2010)

image003.jpgTukusheva Inna Anatolevna

In 1998 Inna Anatoljevna graduated from the Law Faculty of OSAU. In 2000 she was accepted as a lecturer at the Department of International Law OSAU. Since 2003 she teaches the following subjects at the department of constitutional and municipal law: financial law and corresponding lecture courses. In 2005, she was attached as an applicant to the graduate school at OSU in the legal profession 12.00.02 - constitutional law, municipal law. In 2007 she successfully defended her thesis for the degree of the candidate of legal sciences, specialty 12.00.02. on "Optimization of enforcing the competence of local self-government by aligning the budgets of municipalities" in the thesis council of Chelyabinsk State University.

During the work on the thesis she has published 11 works, including training manuals and articles.

In 2006 Inna Anatoljevna took part in the All-Russia competition among young people of educational institutions and research organizations "My legislative initiative" dedicated to the 100 th anniversary of the State Duma, she was its winner. In December 2011 she was awarded with the thanks of Orenburg Regional Branch of All-Russian Association of Lawyers for achievements in the field of legal science.

image001.jpgGlebova Julia Ivanovna
Candidate of Law Associate Professor

After graduating from the Orenburg Pedagogical College number 1, Julia Ivanovna entered the MSLA, her teaching career began in 1997. She has worked at the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law since 2003. Julia Ivanovna teaches the following subjects: constitutional law of foreign countries, informational law, read the relevant lecture courses.

In 2004, Julia Ivanovna went to the graduate school at OSU in the specialty 12.00.02 - constitutional law, municipal law. In 2007 she successfully defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences, specialty 12.00.02.on the theme: "The right of citizens to information about the organization and activities of local government in Russia" in the thesis council of Chelyabinsk State University. Yulia Ivanovna is the author of a training manual, 15 articles.

Y.I. Glebova was awarded the gratitude of the Office of the Ministry of Justice in the Orenburg region for their conscientious work in connection with their professional holiday Day of the lawyer (2010).




image001.jpgBrovchenko Natalia Valentinovna

Lecturer, the applicant of OSU In 2003, Natalia Valentinovna graduated from the Law Faculty of OSAU. She entered to the graduate school OSAU. In the same year Natalia Valentinovna was adopted by the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law. She teaches the following academic disciplines: municipal law, public service. In 2011 Natalia Valentinovna was attached as an applicant to graduate school at OSU in the specialty 12.00.02 - constitutional law, municipal law. She has published 15 articles. She works on a candidate degree thesis on the topic: "Local government in land management and territorial organization of rural communities."




image001.jpgShulakova Anastasia Alexandrovna

Lecturer, a graduate student of OSU. In 2010 Anastasia Alexandrovna graduated from the Law Faculty of OSAU. She was accepted to the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law in 2010. Anastasia Alexandrovna teaches administrative law. Since 2010, she received the second higher education in OGPU specialty "Translation." Anastasia Alexandrovna has published three articles. She works on a candidate thesis on the topic "Problems of legal regulation providing the population with public and municipal services."




image001.jpgKnyazeva Julia Valerevna

Lecturer, a graduate student of OSU. In 2010 Yuliya Valerjevna graduated from the Law Faculty of OSAU. She was accepted to the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law in 2010. Yuliya Valerjevna teaches tax law. She works on a candidate thesis on the topic: "The constitutional right to judicial protection."




Educational work

Educational work is carried out according to the curriculum of OSAU with full-time and correspondence students on the following educational programs: 030 501 lawyers (2nd highest (correspondence students), 030 500 lawyers bachelors, 040 101 social work, 030900.62 lawyers bachelor (full-time and correspondence students) and the 2nd highest (correspondence students), 030900.68 masters in Law(full-time).

Methodical support of the disciplines

Teaching academic subjects are provided with curriculum and teaching methods according to HSES (SES). For each academic discipline there are guidelines and a set of household, practical exercises, guidelines for writing written work, practical training, course of topics, control works, evaluation tools, etc. During the training program students use searching programme Garant, multimedia lectures, Internet, etc.

Within the weeks of quality in OSAU business games involving legal practitioners took place. Look at the material of the business game entitled "Prohibition: Pros and Cons" with the participation of the 2nd year students from the Law Faculty OSAU.

Monographies, textbooks, manuals

Practical activities of the department

The Department tries to make a contribution in improving the practice of state and municipal construction, it assists in retraining of municipalities of the Orenburg region. Lecturers were actively involved in legislative activities (in All-Russian competition of educational institutions, "My legislative initiative"), in an expert advisory council work on constitutional and legal status of the judiciary, prosecution, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, state-building at the Federation Council Committee on judicial and Legal Affairs, in preparing the report on "Results and trends of the legislative activity of the 4th convocation’s Legislative Assembly in Orenburg region", they successfully work to involve students in research, they prepare them to participate in academic competitions and conferences.

Educational work with students

Lecturers of the department are the curators of 4-year full-time students groups: a senior curator – the head of the department, Professor A.A. Uvarov, 41gr. - Lecturer Tukusheva IA, 42gr. - Senior Lecturer Glebova Y.I., 43gr. – Lecturer Brovchenko (Jurjeva), N.V. Lecturers conduct educational activities in the student’s hostels and classrooms of OSAU according to the plans of the lecturers’ educational activities, also they organize cultural, scientific and practical events and scientific and practical.


In 2010 a Magistracy was opened at the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of Law Faculty OSAU. The direction of the master's program is "Constitutional Law, Municipal Law"( the head of the program is the head of the department, doctor of Law, professor Uvaroa A.A.). Currently 6 students of the 1st year (2010), and the 5 students of the 2nd year (2011g.) study on full-time master’s program. The term of study for full-time students lasts for 2 years, and for part-time students lasts for 2 years 5 months. Master’s training program takes into account the requirements of the FSES HPE approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of 14.12.2010 Number 1763 and it includes the study of subjects such as: local government in Russia; responsibility in the government and local self-government and anti-corruption, information law, fiscal law, the right to vote; administrative process, law-making process, constitutional justice, and others, the passage of research and scientific and pedagogical practices, as well as the preparation of a thesis. Academic disciplines and practices are provided with all necessary training and guidance and recommendations. The educational process in the disciplinesat the department provides by the doctor of Law, professor Uvarov A.A., Candidate of Law, Senior-Lecturer Y.I. Glebova, Candidate of Law, Senior Lecturer Tukusheva I.A.

Scientific School

Preparation of the teaching staff in the specialty 12.00.02.-constitutional law, municipal law on the basis of legal postgraduate Faculty at OSU is led by the Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Uvarov A.A. in 2004. Uvarov AA is a member of two thesis councils: Thesis Council D 144.001.02 under the State Scientific Research Institute of System Analysis of the Accounting Chamber of Russia (Moscow), DM 212.296.08 Thesis Council at Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk).

In 2007 Lecturers of the department Tukusheva I.A. and Glebova (Grishaeva) Y.I. defended their theses in the Thesis Council of Chelyabinsk University under the supervision of A.A. Uvarov. In 2010 part-time Lecturer S.M. Zhukova defended her thesis on specialty 12.00.02. on the theme: "The constitutional and legal basis of relations between citizens - individual entrepreneur and the state" in the thesis council GNIISA Accounting Chamber and got the degree of the candidate of Legal Science under the supervision of A.A. Uvarov.

At present, Lecturers of the department: Jurjeva N.V., Plotnikov A.E., Shulakova A.A., Knyazev Y. V. work on their theses under the guidance of Uvarov A.A.

Student's achievements in scientifically-educational activity

Student's achievements in scientifically-educational activity Data on research work of students for 5 years

Data on participation of students in competitions for the best research work of the student for 5 years

Department’s communication (relations) with the government agencies, public

Teachers of the department actively participate in the activities of state and municipal governments, they carry out legal assistance to the population. The Head of the Department Uvarov A.A. participated in the activities of the commission on administrative reform in Orenburg, he is a member of the anti-corruption commission at the Governor of the Orenburg region, he participated in an expert advisory council on constitutional and legal status of the judiciary, prosecution, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, public Construction at the Federation Council Committee on Legal and Judicial Affairs. Senior-Lecturer Glebova Y.I. collaborates with the Electoral Commission of the Orenburg region, she was a member of an election commission number 1056, she organized the school to improve the electoral culture among students of non-legal professions together with the Vice-rector of educational work Shchukin A.S. at the university. Lecturer Tukusheva I.A. was a member of the Board of Deputies of the municipality "Experimental Village Council Orenburg district of the Orenburg region" from 2005 to 2010. Lecturers of the department participate in the work center to provide free legal assistance to the population.