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Chair of sociology and social work

In Rassian

Social work as a trade and formation has arisen in Russia in 1991г. Also it is directed on the decision of growing number of various social problems. Formation and vocational training of experts in social work is now carried out at more than 80 institutes, including 62 universities of higher education across all Russia.

At the Orenburg state agrarian university (OSAU) preparation of experts in social work has begun in 1997.

The idea of opening of a speciality «Social work» in agrarian High school belonged to the dean of the faculty of law professor G.M.Raldygina and professor V.V. Amelin. Administration in the person of N.I.Vostrikov and S.A.Solovev supported idea and in September, 1997 on faculty of law the new chair of sociology and social work opened doors. The doctor of historical sciences V.V. Amelin became the first head and permanent professor of chair.

The candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer N.A.Smirnova, the candidate of legal sciences, senior lecturer E.E.Tsibart supervised over chair in different years.

Since 2006 the head of the chair is the candidate of sociological sciences, senior lecturer S.V.Spasenkova. The decade of chair has been noted by the inter-regional conference devoted to this significant event in 2007. Congratulations to High school - to the pioneer, unique opened a speciality «Social work» in the Orenburg region have brought High schools with which there were strong partner relations.

Scientifically - research interests of chair teachers are concentrated today to problems of interethnic and ethnoconfessional relations in region, a social inequality, youth cultures and subcultures, problems of unemployment, advanced age, physical inability, gender relations.

Employees of chair of social work prepare and publish manuals under the theory and practice of social work. Teachers of chair - participants ¬ of the international, All-Russia, inter-regional ¬ scientific conferences, the congresses, symposiums, seminars.

Chair prospects in scientific researches, work under projects and grants. Successes in the academic disciplines are publications, not only in regional collections, but also in large Russian magazines. The success in modern training of students provides access to information technologies. But, the main priority of chair is a communication of formation and practical social work, development of professional social work in the tideway of new researches and technologies.

The chair constantly co-operates with other divisions of high school and it has many positive tendencies. Popularity of our disciplines at other faculties of OSAU, such as psychology and pedagogics, business dialogue, sociology is defined, including, high level of their teaching and realisation of various department projects.

It is due to teachers of chair which work today:

Spasenkova Svetlana VladimirovnaBorn in 1971, Candidate of Social Sciences, the senior lecturer, the head of the Chair of sociology and social work, a member of Public chamber of the Orenburg area

20 publications, including:

1) region Polietnichnyj in the conditions of public transformation: valuable aspect//the Ethnic factor in multinational frontier region. The interregional collection of scientific works. - Orenburg: Publishing Center of OSAU, 2007. P.45-47.

2) Features of the mechanism of formation of ethnic stereotypes of mass-media in modern polyethnic a society//Social policy, social work in modern Russia and national projects. Interhigh school. collection of scientific works. - Orenburg: Publishing Center of OSAU, 2007. P.15-17.

3) The Civil society and interethnic tolerance: in a context of ethnosocial relations in polyethnic region (on an example of the Orenburg area)//Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian federation: materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference. - М: the Short story, 2011. - P.110

4) Ethnoconfessional values of Russian population in multinational Russian region (on an example of the Orenburg area)//the Russian nation: ethnocultural variety in civil unity: the collection of materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference / under red. of V.V. Amelin. - Orenburg: State Unitary Enterprise of the Orenburg area «Buzuluksky printing house», 2011. – 47 P.

Educational and methodical works, including:

Adaptation of rural youth in the city student's environment: the manual. (The manual is recommended to edition of high schools of Russia by training in the field of social work). Orenburg: Publishing Center of OSAU, 2008. 140 P. Dissertation theme: « Ethnoconfessional values of Russian in polyethnic the Russian region (on an example of the Orenburg area)».

Amelin Venaly Vladimirovich

Born in 1951, Ph.D. in History, professor

The editor of scientific-journalistic magazine "Ethnopanorama". The doctor of historical sciences, professor, the author of monographies: «International conflicts in Central Asia» (on a boundary 80-90 х), «Calls mobilised ethnicity», «Model of ethnologic monitoring», «Migrants in Orenburzhye social adaptation problems», «Ethnic variety and the power in the Russian region». The co-author of books: «Orenburzhye in ethnopolitical measurement», «Orenburzhye in system of regional interests of Russia».

The author more than 500 scientific articles, publications on problems of federalism, the national policy, interethnic relations, ethnic history, migration. The editor of tens collective monographies, scientific collections. Amelin V.V. participated and acted with reports at the international scientific conferences, seminars in Austria, England, Northern Ireland, Spain, the USA, Slovakia, Turkey, Tunis, France (Corsica, Brittany), Germany. Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Sri Lanka, Sweden, on Cyprus, in Russia and other CIS countries.

Amelin V.V. supervises over the Interinstitute centre of ethnopolitical researches of Institute of ethnology and anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of management of OSAU.

He is awarded by the Award «Honour Sign».

Mugil Julia ValentinovnaBorn in 1966, Candidate of Social Sciences, the senior lecturer

20 publications including

  1. Outlook of students as the important factor of formations of ethnic tolerance in region//Problems of preservation of tolerance in polyethnic regions of Russia: Materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference. - Orenburg, Publishing centre OSAU, 2005.
  2. Ethnosocial adaptation of students in multinational region of Russia (on an example of Orenburzhye)//«the Modern world: economy, history, formation, culture: collection of scientific works. - Ufa:, 2005.
  3. Problems of identity of modern Russian youth//Problems of self-identification of the population in polyethnic and multiconfessional region: Materials of a regional scientifically-practical seminar. - Orenburg, Publishing centre OSAU, 2006.
  4. Youth subcultures as an element of a civil society//Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian federation: materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference. - М: the Short story, 2011. - P.120

Educational and methodical works, including:

Adaptation of rural youth in the city student's environment: the manual. (The manual is recommended to edition of high schools of Russia by training in the field of social work). Orenburg: Publishing Center of OSAU, 2008.140 with.

Dissertation theme «Social adaptation of rural youth of the Russian region in the student's environment (on an example of the Orenburg area)».

Moloshchenkov Anton NikolaevichBorn in 1983, Candidate of Historical Sciences, the teacher

12 publications, including:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  1. Migratory processes in Orenburzhye: the past and the present//Socially-legal guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the Russian Federation: materials of the international scientifically-practical conference-Orenburg, 2007,-P.15-18.
  2. Activity of the Ukrainian public organisations as reflexion of an ethnocultural policy in regions of Southern Urals Mountains//Social policy, social work in modern Russia and national projects: materials of interuniversity scientifically-practical conference - Orenburg, 2007.
  3. Resettlement of Ukrainians to Southern Urals Mountains in second half of XIX-th century//Ethnoses and cultures of the Uralo-Volga region: history and the present: materials of inter-regional scientifically-practical conference of young scientists.-Ufa; 2007.-P.96-102.
  4. The regional ethnocultural policy as a basis of social stability in a society//Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian federation: materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference. - М: the Short story, 2011. - P.133
  5. Migration of the Ukrainian population to Southern Urals Mountains in the first quarter of the XX-th century//the Russian nation: ethnocultural variety in civil unity: the collection of materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference / under общ. ред. V.V. Amelin. - Orenburg: State Unitary Enterprise of the Orenburg area «Buzuluksky printing house», 2011. - 127 P.

Dissertation theme: «Resettlement of Ukrainians to southern Urals Mountains and problems of their ethnocultural development».

Golub Evgenie Viktorovna Born in 1958, the senior teacher
8 publications, including:

  1. Golub E.V. The ethnic identity in preventive maintenance асоциального behaviour of teenagers / E.V.Golub.-//Materials of the international scientifically-practical conference «Socially-legal guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the Russian Federation». - Orenburg: Publishing centre OSAU, 2006. 532 P
  2. Golub E.V. Ethnic identity as the form of preventive maintenance teenage асоциальности / E.V.Golub.-//Materials of international scientifically - preventive conference «Health saving up technologies in educational process: problems and prospects». - Penza: АНОО «the Privolzhsky House of knowledge», 2007.204 P.
  3. Golub E.V. Role of ethnic and regional identity in асоциальных youth displays / E.v.golub.-//Materials of interuniversity scientifically-practical conference «Social policy, social work in modern Russia and national projects». Orenburg: Publishing Center OSAU, 2007.164 P.
  4. Formation of ethnic identity of teenagers in the conditions of a transformed Russian society//the Russian nation: ethnocultural variety in civil unity: the collection of materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference / under общ. ред. V.V. Amelin. - Orenburg: State Unitary Enterprise of the Orenburg area «Buzuluksky printing house», 2011. - 69 P.
  5. 5. Formation of ethnic consciousness of teenagers in the conditions of polycultural region//Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian federation: materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference. - М: the Short story, 2011. – P. 123.

Educational and methodical works, including: Social work in an education system: the Educational and methodical works for students of a speciality «Social work». - Orenburg: Publishing centre OSAU, 2008.

Dissertation theme: «Ethnic identity in the prevention antisocial behaviour».

Pronina Tatyana Ivanovna Born in 1974, the teacher of chair

12 Publications, including:

  1. Problems of formation of moral belief of new type of the person in modern Russia (article). - Problems of protection of the rights and personal freedoms on modern a stage: the Russian and international aspects. - Orenburg: Publishing centre of OSAU, 2009.
  2. Problems of formation of moral belief of new type of the person in modern Russia. - problems of protection of the rights and personal freedoms at the present stage: Russian and the international aspects. - Orenburg: Publishing centre of OSAU, 2010.
  3. Moral consciousness as non-political the tool of formation of a civil society//Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian federation: materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference. - М: the Short story, 2011. - P.129
  4. Moral consciousness as the factor of formation tolerant persons (article). - the State national policy, interethnic and ethnoconfessional relations in Orenburzhye: problems of formation of installations of tolerant consciousness: the collection of materials of inter-regional scientifically-practical conference / under общ. ред. V.V. Amelin. - Orenburg: State Unitary Enterprise of the Orenburg area «Buzuluksky printing house», 2011.

Dissertation theme: « Psychological and Pedagogical conditions of formation of moral consciousness of students».

Kazhaeva Tatyana Ivanovna Born in 1985, the teacher
8 Publications, including:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  1. Actual problems of protection of the rights of women at the present stage / Problems of protection of the rights and personal freedoms at the present stage: the Russian and international aspects. - Orenburg: Publishing centre OSAU, 2009. - 315 P.
  2. The cultural capital of the population of the Orenburg area: problems of quantitative measurement//All-Russia collection of scientific works. – G. N., 2010. All-Russia scientifically-practical conf. (With the international participation) «Pressing questions of social and economic development of regions» (19 - on April, 20th, 2010). - Great Novgorod: Publishing house NovGu. - P. 9-11.
  3. The analysis of availability to the population of the Orenburg area of services of culture and art//Strategic priorities social and economic developments of the Orenburg area / Orenburg state Agrarian university. - Orenburg: OSU, 2010. - 204 P.
  4. Value of the cultural factor in formation of economic relations in a civil society//Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian federation: materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference. - М: the Short story, 2011. - P.137.
  5. Value of the cultural factor in formation of economic relations in a civil society//Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian federation: materials of the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference. - М: the Short story, 2011. - P.137.
  6. The statistical analysis of consumption by agricultural population of the Orenburg area of services of culture establishments//Theoretical and scientifically-practical magazine of News of OSAU №1, - 2011, - 108 P.

Dissertation theme: «The cultural capital of region (on an example of the Orenburg area)».

In modern educational process the educational work with students has special value as the educational environment is a part of sociocultural environments. Therefore the chair staff is guided by that formation and education process is necessary for building on the basis of self-determination of the person in moral values, the vital purposes, the culture maintenance.

In 2006-2007 the chair of Sociology and social work has been awarded by the diploma for high indicators in educational activity with students, active tutor work, development of student's self-management.

By tradition, annually, according to a coherent plan of educational work of university for a year with a view of familiarising with universal cultural wealth, values of culture, education of personal aesthetic tastes, independent creativity in sphere of the organisation of leisure following traditional actions are carried out: «Dedication in students», «On Nikolauvskoy » KVNs, etc. All conditions for physical development of students are created. Sports sections are organised and function.

Students of «Social work» branch are participants of the annual scientifically-practical conferences organised by the university.

On April, 21-23st 2011г. Teachers of chair together with chair of the theory and history of the state and the right prepared and spent the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference «Social and legal problems of formation of a civil society in the Russian federation».

The charitable actions-holidays in social shelters for children and teenagers of Orenburg are regularly spent by students under the guidance of chair teachers.