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the Department of English Language

In Rassian

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Senior- Lecturer Moiseeva Elena Veniaminovna is the.Head of the Department of English Language

History of Department

Department of English Language as a new independent educational and scientific structural unit was approved by the Academic Council of Federal State HPE OSAU on the 23rd of April, 2008. Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Moiseeva Elena Veniaminovna headed the Department.

The main aim of the Department is the organization and implementation of a high professional level of study and teaching of foreign languages and educational work among the students, research on the profile of department, training of the teaching staff.

The functions of making all kinds of exercises, full-time education, providing a comprehensive methodological support of educational disciplines, implementation assistance in organizing training and development of the teaching staff, participation in research work, in educational work, the promotion of scientific knowledge are assigned to the Department.

Foreign language (English), language in law, business English, business German, professional language are taught in the Department.

List of staff employees.

Moiseeva Elena Veniaminovna – head of the Department of English, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior- lecturer
Kamynina Tatyana Petrovna
- candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer
Brezhneva Tatyana Borisovna
- lecturer of the Department of English Language
Antonova Olga Vladimirovna
- lecturer of the Department of English Language
Vavilova Elena Olegovna
– lecturer of the Department of English Language
Koch Natalia Ivanovna
- lecturer of the Department of English Language
Pfeifer Maya Andreevna
- lecturer of the Department of English Language
Tayguzina Lyubov Aleksandrovna
- lecturer of the Department of English Language
Antonova Irina Timofeevna
- senior lecturer of the Department of English Language

Methodological support to the educational process.

The Department has computer teaching programs, audio and video materials on foreign languages, educational and methodological base that is represented by textbooks and teaching materials that are recommended for students and educational and methodological materials that are compiled by teachers of the department.


  • Kamynina T. P.. Foreign language. Business and daily communication. Program and a tutorial for students and Agrarian University .-OSAU, 1998. - Pp 8.0
  • Brezhneva T. B., S. V. Belousova, L. S. Inyakina. Aus der Welt der Technik. The manual for agroengineering specialities. – OSAU, 1999. -Pp. 17, 0
  • Kamynina. T. P. German language. Bioecology: the manual for students of higher educational institutions. – OSAU, 2003. –Pp. 12, 1
  • Kamynina T.P., L.S. Inyakina. German language. Verification work № 1,2, texts, learning tasks for correspondence students of Law Faculty.- OSAU, 2003 - pp 3.16
  • Barakova E.O., M.M. Rybakova. English: Guidance and control tasks for correspondence students of economic faculty, the 1st course I .- OSAU, 2006. - Pp 2.9
  • Kamynina T.P.. Interuniversity Collection: The formation of the students' high school curriculum project-type activities as a factor in improving the educational process. - Samara, 2006 - pp 0.18
  • Kamynina T.P., V.P. Litvinova. German: control works, texts for reading for students of correspondence department of the Agrarian University. - OSAU, 2007 - pp 8.4
  • Vavilova, E.O., Kamynina, T.P., Koch, N.I., Tayguzina, L.A. Business English: A guide for classroom and non-language students' independent work of universities. - Orenburg "Quick Printing", 2009. – 84 p.
  • Kamynina T.P. Laboratory work and guidelines for teachers to the online course in English «Tell me More»: - 1st level (5 classes). - Orenburg: "Express - Printing", 2010. -55p.
  • Kamynina T.P. Laboratory work in English: Methodological and study guide for interactive program «Tell me More» for classroom and independent work of students: - 1st level (5 classes). - Orenburg: "Express - Printing", 2010. – 32p.
  • Moiseeva E.V .Laboratory work and guidelines for teachers to the online course in English «Tell me More»: - Orenburg: "Express - Printing", 2010. -78 p.
  • Moiseeva E.V. Laboratory work in English: Methodological and study guide for interactive program «Tell me More» for classroom and independent work of students: - second level (5 classes). - Orenburg: "Express - Printing", 2010. – 31p.
  • Antonova O.V., Brezhneva T.B.. English: Correction course of training and control tasks for students with low and medium level of language proficiency. - Orenburg: Publishing Center "Express - Printing", 2010 – 100 p.
  • Антонова О.В., Брежнева Т.Б.. Английский язык: Корректировочный курс с тренировочными и контрольными заданиями для студентов с низким и средним уровнем владения языком. – Оренбург: издательский центр «Экспресс – печать», 2010 - 100 с.

The department works on a professionally-oriented training materials, to create a measurement and control of materials for testing in English for Legal and Economic faculties, the Faculty of Information Technology and the Institute of Continuing Professional Education.

Trends and results of scientific and methodological work

The department works hard to find scientific means to solve urgent problems of improving the methods of teaching foreign languages.

The work of T.B. Brezhneva, S.V.. Belousova, L.S. Inyakinoy «Aus der Welt der Technik» won the 3rd place prize in the All-Russia competition of textbooks on the cycle of "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines."

All-Russian competition of textbooks and educational materials in foreign languages for non-language schools a group of authors of foreign languages Inyakina L.S., N.V. Kulagina, T.P. Kamynina were awarded the "Diploma with the I-st degree" for the textbook "German. Bio-ecology. "

As part of the actual problem solving process to improve the educational department staff conduct research on issues of general pedagogy, philology, as well as methods of teaching foreign languages.

In 2004 Moiseeva E.V. defended her thesis on the topic "The development of agricultural education in Orenburg region in the first half of the twentieth century."

In 2006 T.P. Kamynina defended her thesis on the topic: "Creating a training project of a student in the educational process."

Perspective plan of development of Department of English

The scientific direction of the department

  • For 2009

    Learning a foreign language is a factor in the development of independence and creativity of students in a module-rating reference system of educational process in OSAU.

  • For 2013

    Account of the special European competences of language (learning, teaching, evaluation) in the transition to the Two Cycle System of Higher Education.

  • For 2018

    Role and place of the teacher changing in the process of teaching foreign languages in the mainstream of language policy in Europe and in the world.

Club of Foreign Languages

There is Club of Foreign Languages at the Department. The meeting of the Club dedicated to the customs, traditions and culture of researching language country is held every month.

Student took part in a meeting of the Club dedicated to St Valentine's Day. Active members of the Club of Foreign Languages are:

31 group of the department of social work has actively participated in the New Year's meeting of the club and in a meeting devoted to the spring holidays.

There was a scientific-practical conference on the theme: "Youth in the Modern World" on the 15th of April 2009. The meeting was attended by 30 people.

1st place:
Ishkova Natalia, Kabieva Vitalia, Pavlutina Anna.
Supervisor: lecturer Tayguzina L.A.
Subject: The education system of researching language country (the pros and cons)
2nd place:
Kultaeva Nina, Nadzen Anastasia oversight.
Supervisor: lecturer Pfeifer M.A.
Theme: Youth and Subculture
3rd place:
Harms Natalia.
Supervisor: Senior lecturer Kamynina T.P.
Subject: Youth associations and organizations in Germany

English Language Olympiad was held at the Department of English language among students of the Economic Faculty and the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Information Technology and INPO in November 6, 2009.

The winners were:

  • 1st place - Anton Danilov
  • 2nd Place - Alexander Soldatov
  • 3rd place - Kultaeva Nina Nazina Irina.

All participants of the Olympiad were awarded with the certificates.

A competition of creative papers in English was held at the Department in November 2009. Department of English noted very active students, their diligence and creativity in the design of newspapers. The jury to recognize the works:

  • Michael Jackson (Demchenko N.)
  • Elizabeth II (A. Novikova, O. Stepanova)
  • Jean-Claude Van Damme (Rodina I.)
  • Mickey Mouse (Shepeleva Zh., P. Shafeeva, Zhirnova A. Posternak Yu.)
  • Wayne Rooney.

Some papers were received after the summarizing. They did not participate in the competition, but can be seen as interesting in regard to cognition:

Agatha Christie, Walt Disney, Rowan Atkinson and others

Halloween at the Department of English Language

Halloween (All Saints Day) gets more and more popular in our country and at the Department of English. The regular meeting of the Foreign Language Club, dedicated to this holiday was held on November 1. For two weeks, students from various departments actively participated in the tender papers, articles and postcards on this holiday.

Students of Economic department took part in the
English Language Olympiad
in Saratov’s State Agrarian University in 2010.
Our students won second place
We are proud of them.

The third meeting of the real Esperanto-site users was held in July 2010 in Slovakia. The lecturer of the department of English language Kamynina Tatiana participated in this meeting. About 200 Esperanto-users from more than 20 countries met in the town of Piestany.

Со 2 по At the Department of English a competition dedicated to Teacher’s Day was held. Students could draw original posters, newspapers, postcards in English. Summing up the contest, department was pleased diligence and creativity, and thanked all students who took part in the competition. The jury decided to recognize the works of the following students: Krasnoshlyk A, Adelbaeva A., Alekseeva A., Kuchaeva J., .Ahmetova A., Tolkacheva J.

Poster contest

The competition of newspapers and postcards

ДThanksgiving Day is a public holiday in the USA and Canada, celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Several generations of one family gather at the house at the senior dinner party. Everyone pronounces the words of thanksgiving for all the good things that happened in his life. On this day the Americans eat the same things, that their ancestors ate in 1621 at the first luncheon in honor of Thanksgiving Day. Many meals are not only tradition but also a symbol of the holiday: stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce and a large sweet pumpkin pie. At the Department of English Language the competition of newspapers and postcards to commemorate the Day of Thanksgiving was held. The jury decided to recognize the works of the following students: Solodilova I., Vostrikova T., Ahmetova A., Alekseeva E., Haritonova O.

Outstanding Events

In human history there were many outstanding events. Students from different faculties participated in the competition of newspapers. The students presented their vision of various memorable events, Highlighted events of the Great Patriotic War, acts of terrorism, historical events in Russia, the USA and the UK, various inventions and much more. The jury decided to recognize the works of the following students: Boldyrev A., Sutorimina A., Lukashina, Erzhanova J., Lukyanova Y., Hmyzova O., Petrova L., Ginenko E.

Christmas at the Department of English

The meeting of the English Club was held at the Department of English language on the 23d of December. The meeting was devoted to the Christmas and New Year. Students of 21 Finance and Credit Department made the presentation about traditions and symbols of the holiday. Celebration of Christmas was preceded by papers and posters contest. The jury to recognize the works of the following students: Ankudovich A., Shmidt A., Petrova A, Demchenko A., .DanilovaY., Rucheva M., Ponamareva H.

Protocol of City Olympiad on English language

The Interuniversity Olympiad on foreign language took place in Orenburg Institute of Moscow State Law Academy on the 26th of February 2011.

In the competition (English section) were 18 students who represented the following higher schools of the city of Orenburg:

  • Orenburg State Medical Academy
  • Orenburg State Agrarian University
  • Orenburg State Management Institute
  • Orenburg State Pedagogical University
  • Orenburg State University
  • Orenburg Institute of Moscow State Law Academy
  • Orenburg branch of Russian State Trade-Economic University

The jury prizes are distributed as follows:

  • 1st place - 54 points Sergey Shevchenko, OSU, Department of Information Technology;
  • 2nd place - 53 points Negodieva Eugene, OSU, Department of Finance and Economics;
  • 3rd place - 48 points Craiova Anastasia, OSAU, Department of Economics;
  • 4th place - 47 points Kudryashova Veronica OGIM.

International Women's Day March 8 (International Women's Day)

International Women's Day March 8 is the holiday celebrated in many countries as "Women's Day." At the Department of English competition to commemorate the 8th of March was held. Students drew original posters, postcards or newspaper in English. Summing up the contest, the department was pleased diligence and creativity of these students who took part in the competition: Antonenko M., Shmidt A., DnistryanskayaY, Esipova M., Pilyugina M.

The meeting of the Club of Foreign Languages

The meeting of English Club was held. Students of legal and economic departments participated in the contest of poetry readings in English on the 14th of April 2011. The meeting was opened by the execution with the song "Smile". During the meeting students read a variety of poems dedicated to spring. The Department of English Language thanked all the participants. We highlighted the following students:
  • Adelbaeva A. "Green Things Growing"
  • Zabbarova E. "She walks in Beauty" Byron
  • Alekseeva "April in Paris"
  • Алексеева А. “April in Paris” 16 юр.
  • Krasnoshlyk O. "A White Rose" O'Reilly
  • Zarubina N. "My Love"

Olympiad on English

The Olympiad on foreign language (English) took place at the Department of English Language for the students of economic Faculty, Law Faculty and the Faculty of Information Technology on the 19th of April, 2011. The winners of the Olympiad were the following students:

  • I place - Sahipov D. - (489 points)
  • III place – Ripova A. - (480 points)
  • III place - Grishaenko A. - (449 points)
  • Kayutkina VA - (446 points)

The winners were awarded diplomas!

Interuniversity Student Scientific Conference

"Actual problems of statehood and legal system" was held on the 20th of April 2011 by the Orenburg branch of Moscow State Law Academy named after O. Kutafin. The student Craiova Anastasia (21 group BA in Economics) took the 1st place in the competition of reports in the English language in the section "Law and Language". Ruff Natalia (13group in finance and credit) was awarded with a diploma of the winner.

Congratulations to the winners!

A conference " The Formation of Civil Society in Russia and abroad"

A conference "The Formation of Civil Society in Russia and abroad" took place on the 26th of April 2011 at the Department of English Language. The conference was attended by students of Economic and Law faculties, the Faculty of Information Technology, who made presentations on the theme of the conference. Students discussed the prospects of development of civil society in contemporary Russia and abroad. The jury issued its decision and recognized the best performances: 1. Kayutkinu Victoria, Husak Vladislav and Gamm Tatiana, Sizintseva Elizabeth, 11 KOIBAS, Makhanova Diana, Maksutov Aliya 2. Dudnikova Michael

Language Day

All countries celebrated European Day of Language (ELD) on the 26th of September 2011 .

The main objectives of the European Day of Languages:

  • draw attention to the problem of language learning in order to enhance intercultural understanding;
  • demonstration of the wealth of linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe;
  • encourage research and development of language in schools and outside them throughout life.

Russia is not a member of the European Union, but the theme of language learning is relevant to our country as a whole and for the Orenburg region, in particular, because in recent years, the number of ethnic groups in our area exceeded 130.

The problem of overcoming language barriers, on the one hand, and the preservation of language, identity, culture, on the other hand, are topical for many countries and the world at large. Mankind for many centuries struggles with the problem of searching for a means of interethnic communication, which would be advantageous to any one nation. From this perspective, the spread of English is not a panacea: English, as well as any other national language, is too difficult to learn and always gives the advantage of a natural language media.

As a way out of this situation are considered artificial languages, one of which has been used successfully worldwide for over a century. This is Esperanto.

You can learn this language at the Department of English . Several students have joined a club on the study of Esperanto. Sign Up! All information can be obtained from the Department or by e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

Olympiad on English

Olympiad on foreign language was held in the department of English Language on the 17th of November. 23 students took part in the competition. Students of Law Faculty, Economic Faculty, Faculty of Information Technology and the Institute of ICPE competed for the first prize. Students had to work hard to achieve successful results. The prizes were distributed as follows:

I place - Natalya Mikhailova (25 points), Kim Alexander (24 points), II place - Andreeva Xenia (23 points) , .III place - Galenko Ksenia (19 points). Works of: Arzumanyan Angela (18 points), Shatrova Irene (18 points), Daria Zakharova (18 points) were also interesting.


Department of English

invites students to the foreign languages courses: English, German.

Classes are held in groups or individually and are designed for different levels of language proficiency: Beginner; Elementary; Intermediate; Advanced.

It is also proposed to study foreign languages for business and special purposes. Classes are conducted by highly qualified teachers, who uses of modern teaching materials and information technology. For information, contact: OSAU, building number 11, Department of English, rooms number 5, 6. e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

Tel: 30-65-31, 239 (internal); 8-922-846-76-77