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The Chair of foreign languages

In Rassian

The head of the chair is the Professor, Candidate of Philological Science Injakina Ljubov Sergeevna.

The history of chair

The chair of foreign languages at the Orenburg agricultural institute was formed in 1930. At that time six teachers worked there. The first head of the chair was Kufeld Solomon Solomonovich /1930-1937/. Since 1937 to 1946 Zaharova Maria Matveevna was the head of the chair, and since 1946 to 1950 M.F. Drizhenko and S.E. Lifshits were the heads of the chair. During that period A.K. Novitsky, L.V. Lazovaja, P.D. Isaak, Kljuchinsky worked at the chair. Since 1950 to 1969 Mark Danilovich Segal was the head of the chair. At that time Е.К. Kalinina, N.F. Drizhenko, E.S. Esperova, G.A. Krejdik, O.D. Fanderflift worked at the chair. Since 1951 to 1995 J.P. Gorjainov worked who had great authority among students and employees of the institute. From 1956 the gradual increase of teachers’ quantity is observed. In 1979 13 teachers worked atthe chair, they were J.P. Gorjainov, T.I. Seledtsova, R.N. Nazarenko, G.Z. Shchubenko, E.G. Abdulina, N.I. Grebnkova, S.I. Gajnullina, G.I. Pomeshchikova, M.M. Rybakova, T.D. Shpineva, V.P. Litvinova, L.V. Shishak, K.N. Zinchenko, and the laboratorian E.S. Esperova, and since 1961 to 1975 L.N. Serova.

Since 1969 to 1979 O.K. Maksakov was the head of the chair who had the deserved authority of the whole institute. Under her management the chair carried out the great educational work among students.

Since 1979 on 1994 R.N. Nazarenko was the head of the chair who was the chairman of UMO of all high schools in Orenburg. R.N. Nazarenko brought big contribution to the organization of cooperation of chairs of foreign languages of high schools in the town.

Since 1994 to present time the chair has been headed by Candidate of Philological science, Professor, L.S. Injakina who pays a big attention to the creation of manuals on various specialties, scientific and professional development of the chair, the use of modern and innovative technologies. The veterans of the chair who worked for 40, 30, 20 years are T.I. Seledtsova, M.D. Segal, J.P. Gorjainov, T.Z. Shubenko, R.N. Nazarenko, G.I. Pomeshchikova, S.H. Gajnullina, T.D. Shpineva, T.J. Shitina, M.М. Rybakova, V.P. Litvinova, T.P. Kamynina and M.N. Milova. The merits before the higher vocational training of senior teacher M.M. Rybakova are noted by the rank "the Honorable worker of higher education".

From the date of the basis of institute the chair actively participated in an institute’ life: the student's bureau of translators and the club of international friendship worked, technical means of training are accustomed; students occupied prize-winning places in the high school, city, zone Olympiads on foreign languages, students participated in thematic conferences on foreign languages. During many decades the chair helps to prepare scientific shots for agricultural complex, accepting the candidate examinations on foreign languages. Continuing traditions of chair of foreign languages, teachers render the translational help to scientists of university.

Teachers raised their professional level abroad, in the central high schools of Russia, actively they were engaged by scientific work, participated in the international, Russian, regional and interuniversity conferences.

Teachers of chair created manuals, collections of tests in German, English, French languages for students and the bachelors studying various specialties, participate in the Russian competitions of textbooks and manuals and get diplomas.

With 2005 to 2008 Khalushova-Markova G. M, Kamynina T. P., Abramova L.Z., Usupova R.R, Galkieva Z.H. defended dissertations of a scientific degree of the sciences’ candidate. Gubareva T.A. and Valitova L. R. began to work over the dissertation. In 2008-2009 the chair of English language has been allocated from the structure of chair of foreign languages.

Personnel structure of chair

All teachers of chair of foreign languages have a scientific degree of the candidate of sciences. Thus now 1 professor, 6 senior lecturers work on the chair. The chair of foreign languages carries out educational process at following faculties: veterinary medicine and biotechnologies, a forestry and green building, agronomical, at the Institute of management of risks and BJD in agrarian and industrial complex and technical faculty.

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The list of regular employees:

Инякина Любовь Сергеевна

Injakina Ljubov Sergeevna is the managing chair of foreign languages, the professor, the Candidate of Philological science. She studied at the Vladimir state pedagogical university on a specialty "German and English languages". Ljubov Sergeevna finished the internal biennial pedagogical courses on preparation of highly skilled teachers of foreign languages for high schools at the Moscow state pedagogical institute of foreign languages of M. Toreza and the internal target postgraduate study of the Moscow state pedagogical institute of foreign languages of M. Toreza. Since 1994 and on present time she is the managing chair of foreign languages. She is the author of 47 scientific publications (sphere of scientific interests is philology, translation, a technique of training to foreign languages), 14 manuals on German language for specialties of the higher vocational training, 3 of which have received signature stamps of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and have been noted by diplomas of winners I and II the whole Russian competitions of textbooks and the educational literature on foreign languages for not language high schools. Ljubov Sergeevna opponents master's theses on philology. She is a member of methodical council of OSAU, the chairman of the methodical commission of faculty of law, the member of UMO on foreign languages of Orenburg of the International association of applied linguistics, the member of UMO of the Moscow state linguistic university by training in the field of linguistics (not language high schools) of the Ministries of Education of the Russian Federation, the chairman of the GAK for many years. She conducts classes of German language, prepares post-graduate students. For the reached successes in preparation of the qualified experts for agricultural complex and in connection with 70 and 75 of the university she is awarded by certificates of honour of department of agrarian and industrial complex of administration of the Orenburg area

Абрамова Лилия Загеевна

Abramova Liliya Zageevna is the senior lecturer of chair of foreign languages, the candidate of pedagogical sciences. She has finished the faculty of foreign languages of the Orenburg state pedagogical institute. Liliya Zageevna works at the Orenburg state agrarian university since 1996, taught German, French, Latin languages to students of legal, agronomical faculties, faculty of veterinary medicine and biotechnologies and a forestry. Now she trains students of agronomical faculty, faculty of veterinary medicine and biotechnologies in German, English language on day and correspondence branches. She carries out preparation of post-graduate students and competitors for delivery of a candidate minimum on the French language, is a member of examination board of postgraduate study. Liliya Zageevna has passed training in the Timirjazevsky State Agricultural academy (Moscow), at the Mediterranean Agronomical institute (Monpelj, France). In 2006 she defended the dissertation on a specialty of 13.00.01 “General pedagogic, history of pedagogics” on a theme" Education of aesthetic culture of the student in educational process of high school”. Liliya Zageevna is the author of 7 manuals, 20 scientific publications, collections of tests for the current and total control on specialties "Agronomy", "Technology of production and Forming of agricultural products", "Forestry", "Veterinary science", «Zoo-technology».

Yusupova Rimma Rashidovna is the senior lecturer of chair of foreign languages, the candidate of pedagogical sciences. She works in the ОSАU since 2001. Rimma Rashidovna has finished with distinction the Orenburg state pedagogical university, the faculty of foreign languages. She protected the candidate dissertation on a competition of a scientific degree of pedagogical sciences in 2007: the theme is "Formation of intercultural competence of the student: personal-semantic aspect", a specialty is 13.00.01 - “General pedagogic, history of pedagogic”. She opponents the master's theses on the pedagogic, which are represented to protection in dissertational council OGPU. Rimma Rashidovna is a member of methodical association by training in the field of linguistics, a technique of training to foreign languages of the Moscow State Linguistic university. She trains on German language of students of technical faculty, faculty of a forestry and green building of internal and correspondence branches. Yusupova Rimma Rashidovna is the author of 7 manuals for students of technical faculty and of 16 scientific publications.

Губарева Татьяна Александровна

Gubareva Tatyana Aleksandrovna - the senior lecturer of the chair. She graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages with distinction in 2001. Gubareva works in OSAU since 2001. She conducts studies in English language at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Technical Faculty, the Institute of Risks' Management and Safety in the Agro-industrial Complex on internal and correspondence branches. Tatyana Aleksandrovna carries out preparation of post-graduate students and competitors for a candidate exam in English language. She is the author of 4 manuals, collections of tests on specialities "Bioecology", "Technology of Storage and Processing of Livestock Products" and 14 scientific publications. Gubareva Tatyana Aleksandrovna has successfully defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences on a speciality 13.00.01 «General pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and Education» in OSU in 2009; her dissertation's theme is "Education of tolerant dialogue's culture of university students".

Валитова Лилия Радиковна

Valitova Liliya Radikovna - the senior teacher of the chair. She graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages with distinction. Valitova works in OSAU since 1997. She teaches English language at Technical Faculty, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Agronomy faculty. Liliya Radikovna conducts preparation of post-graduate students and competitors for a candidate exam in English language and she is a member of examination board of internal postgraduate study. She is the author of 7 manuals, collections of tests, 18 scientific publications and the monographs «Student's socialization in a developing context of another language speaking culture". Liliya Radikovna is a member of the Orenburg Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organisation "All-Russia Pedagogical Assembly". Valitova Liliya Radikovna has successfully defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences on a speciality 13.00.01"General pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and Education" in OSU in 2011; her dissertation's theme is «Another language speaking culture as the factor of student's socialization».

Маркова Галина Мансуровна

Markova Gulfija Almjansurovna - the senior lecturer of chair, the candidate of pedagogical sciences. She graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages with distinction. Gulfija Almjansurovna works in OSAU since 1995. She teachers magistrates and students of Faculty of Forestry and Green Building, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, the Institute of Risks' Management and Safety in the Agro-industrial Complex of internal and correspondence branches. Markova conducts preparation of post-graduate students and competitors for candidate examination in English language and is a member of examination board of internal postgraduate study. In 2005 she successfully defended the dissertation on a speciality 13.00.08 - "Theory and Vocational Training Technique" on a theme "Linguistic creativeness' development of a university student ". She acts as an opponent of theses on the pedagogics, represented in OSU dissertational council. Markova is the author of 5 manuals, collections of tests for students of law faculty and 20 scientific publications.

Галькиева Зинфира Хайдаровна

Galkieva Zinfira Hajdarovna - the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of the chair. She graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages with distinction. She works in OSAU since 1998. Galkieva trains students of Technical, Agronomy Faculties and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. She conducts preparation of post-graduate students and competitors for delivery of a candidate minimum in English. In 2008 she successfully defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences on a speciality 13.00.01"General pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and Education" in OSPU; her dissertation's theme is «Ecological outlook's formation of a student at university education». Zinfira Hajdarovna is the author of 17 scientific publications, 9 manuals, collections of tests for the students trained on many university specialities.

Кошлубаева Э.А.

Koshlubaeva Elmira Ahmetovna - the senior laboratorian of chair of Foreign languages. In 2005 she finished pedagogical college № 3 on a speciality: «The teacher of initial classes with the right of teaching of native language". In 2010 she finished the Orenburg state pedagogical university. She works in OSAU since 2005.

Material and methodical maintenance of educational process

The chair has a record library on English, German and French languages. Students are trained in a foreign language by means of the software in computer classes, lessons are accompanied by multimedia means (there is a multimedia projector on the chair).

Methodical maintenance

There are extensive funds of multimedia workings out, educational and methodical complexes on the disciplines‚ professional-focused manuals on English and German languages, written by the chair's teachers.

Within the limits of an actual problem's decision of educational process' perfection chair's teachers conduct scientific researches concerning the general pedagogics and a technique of foreign languages teaching. As the research results chair’s teachers publish scientific articles, act with reports at scientific and scientifically-practical conferences of various levels.

The teachers of the chair annually take an active part in scientific International and All-Russian conferences in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Sochi, Cheljabinsk, Penza, Magnitogorsk, Kazan, Ufa, Uljanovsk and other cities.

Conferences in 2009-2011

Scientific searches' practical result of the actual problems' decision of a technique of foreign languages' teaching in a high school is the edition of the professional-focused manuals of chair's teachers (in 1996-2008 - 31 methodical textbooks, in 2009-2011 - 11 manuals).

The professionally-oriented textbooks published in 2009-2011

The results of chair's teachers and students' educational work

The students, studying English and German languages on Foreign languages' chair, approach to study as to creative process and generate ideas command-complex, embody them in designed creative works. The important condition is the interaction of groups «student - student», «student - group», «student - group - teacher». Participants of command-complex projects use integrative technologies which reveal each student's potential possibilities, promoting creative use of new knowledge and participants’ feedback, intercultural competence's formation and high-grade interaction in society on the basis of culture and tolerant dialogue's development. Strongly pronounced pragmatical orientation, the ability to present informatively OSAU student's life in foreign language forms future expert's ability and readiness for intercultural communications in social and cultural sphere of another language and confirms the level of students' language preparation on the first and the second courses of the Institute of Risks' Management and Safety in the Agro-industrial Complex, Technical faculty, Agronomy faculty, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Faculty of Forestry and Green Building.

The circles at the Foreign languages' chair and connection with the production

The Intrahigh School Olympiads on English and German are annually spent. Winners take part in the Interuniversity Olympiads. Students of OSAU occupy prize-winning places in the Interuniversity Olympiads.

The University Olympiad on foreign languages' results

On the 3d of December, 2010 Foreign languages' chair held University Olympiad on German and English languages. Students of the Technical Faculty, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Faculty of Forestry and Green Construction, Agronomy Faculty, the Institute of Risks' Management and Safety in the Agro-industrial Complex, the Institute of Municipal Management and Customs College took part in the competition.

The Olympiad's winners are:

English language:

1 place - Mugil Polina (12 el. -Technical Faculty)
2 place - Kalachev Evgeny (11bioec. - The Institute of Risks' Management and Safety in the Agro-industrial Complex
3 place - Djaglev Vladimir (12 el. -Technical Faculty)

German language:

1 place - Eugenie Kosenko (12 t.-Agronomy Faculty)
2 place - Auls Vadim (11 el. - Technical Faculty)
3 place - Shesterina Tatyana (21g.-the Institute of Municipal Management) / Kiljakova Svetlana (11 el. -Technical Faculty).

Development's prospects of Foreign languages' chair

The main goal of the chair's work is the organization of educational process on the integrative-intensive direction of foreign language's teaching. The process of foreign language's teaching at Foreign languages' chair is held in the direction of improvement of educational services' quality. The main task of the chair’s development in the scientific-pedagogical direction is the ensuring development’s conditions for teachers’ innovative activity under the chair’s research theme and psychological-pedagogical, scientific-methodological problems of foreign language’s teaching at a communicative approach to study. The main objectives of the chair’s development in the area of improving foreign language’s teaching are: 1. to improve the level and quality of university students' training in foreign languages' knowledge; 2.to increase the preparation's level of chair's teachers at foreign languages’ knowledge and their use in the professional activity; 3. the permanent improvement of teaching foreign languages' system at the university. The chair's staff keeps basic working conditions of university education: culture + communication + professionalism + education + creative atmosphere.

Contact information

Address: 460975, Orenburg, ul. Cheluskintsev, 20, building 6, 2nd floor, rooms 203, 209.
Injakina Lubov Sergeevna is responsible for given information.