
A short historical inquiryThe faculty of law was created at the Orenburg State Agrarian University in May 1992. The first dean of the faculty of law was appointed Doctor of historical sciences, Professor Raldygina Galina Mitrofanovna Galina Mitrofanovna Raldygina was born in 1931 in Orenburg. She began her labour activity at the Orenburg State Agrarian University in 1957 as a laboratorian. In 1964 she entered a postgraduate course at the chair of history of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. After getting a candidate degree in 1967 she worked for some time as a senior lecturer at the chair of history of the Orenburg State Agrarian University (OSAU). In May of 1986 she protected a thesis for the Doctor's degree. In February of 1990 she got a scientific degree of Professor, in August of 1993 – a degree of Honoured Worker of higher school. G.M. Raldygina works on the scientific problem “Interaction of authorities in the realization of governmental social and economic policy during various periods of the Russian statehood”. On the above-named problem she has published more than 40 scientific papers. G.M. Raldygina carries out scientific management of post-graduate students. Eight Candidates of sciences' theses and two theses for the Doctor's degree were protected under her guidance. In 2000 Candidate of law science, senior lecturer Iosifidi Tatyana Petrovna was elected the Dean of the faculty of law of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. Tatyana Petrovna Iosifidi has been working at the faculty of law since August, 1995. Having a lot of pedagogical experience in the sphere of higher legal education she has contributed much to the formation and development of the faculty of law. Selection of teaching personnel, its arrangement, working out teaching methodical complexes, constant perfection of techniques of carrying out lectures and practical training are the basic directions of her work. In 2000 she was elected the dean of faculty of law and now she heads the faculty. T.P. Iosifidi is the judge of the Arbitration court at Commercial and Industrial Chamber of the Orenburg region. Under the guidance of T.P. Iosifidi professional efficient collectives of ten chairs of the faculty of law were generated, the personnel structure was replenished by Doctors and Candidates of law science. Special attention is given to practical training of students. Practice is organized in resource centres of the OSAU where students render free legal aid to people. At the faculty works the legal clinic. Big interest is shown by the public to scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences organized at the faculty. T.P. Iosifidi, being the dean, sees the problem of training qualified specialists-lawyers and specialists in social work in the context of formation and development of a civil society in the Orenburg region, believing that lawyers and social workers should be the main driving force of this process. The Faculty of law of the OSAU takes a worthy place among the high law schools of the Orenburg region thanks to professionalism and the faculty staff’s diligent work guided by T.P. Iosifidi. The Orenburg Town Council and Department of Agriculture of the Orenburg region marked the reached successes of the faculty of law in training qualified specialists for agriculture and awarded the dean of the faculty of law T.P. Iosifidi with the letter of thanks and the certificate of honour. In 2010 she was awarded the diploma of the winner in the nomination «A Lawyer of the Year» in the annual competition of the Orenburg municipal establishment «A Person of the Year». Symbolics of the faculty of law:The description of symbolics of the facult The flag represents a rectangular panel of blue colour with white clouds. The relation of the width to its length is 2:3. The faculty emblem represents a circle in the centre of which there is an open book as a symbol of knowledge and scales as the basic symbol of jurisprudence. The circle frames three stripes of white, dark blue, red colours which are colours of the national flag of the Russian Federation, the wheat ear meaning the faculty of law as the structural division of the OSAU and the inscription “the faculty of law”. What means each element of the emblem? Scales are the basic and one of the most ancient symbols of justice as a measure of good and bad deeds of a person, as the basic symbol of jurisprudence. The book means knowledge. The wheat ear means the structural division of the OSAU. Colours of the flag and the emblem Blue colour is a symbol of wisdom, patience, truth, achievement of reason, spirituality, philosophy, honesty, fidelity. White colour symbolizes nobleness and cleanliness. Dark blue colour is applied in the meaning of «perfection, reflexion, truth». Red colour designates government and greatness. Primary colours - white, dark blue, red - are also the colours of the national flag of the Russian Federation. Hymn of the faculty of lawLaw influences days and events, В структуру юридического факультета входят:
Law students have the opportunity to enjoy all the infrastructure facilities of the university: dining room, barber shop, library, fitness center, sauna, health centers, to live in a hostel number 2, to participate in the Center for Legal Aid. Students reinforce the theoretical knowledge on tactics for different types of inspection, learn the rules of procedural and tactical training of inspection, and develop skills of detection, capture and removal of traces of the crime, drawing diagrams, protocol inspection. The methodical office works Health centre Canteen Hostel № 2 The Hostel Students’ Council holds meetings every week, acquaints first-year students with rules of residence in the hostel, carries out various events such as meetings of the club of Меrry and Witty , New Year, St. Valentine’s Day and many other things. Students vote actively at elections of deputies to the State Duma, the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region, and also at presidential elections of the Russian Federation. They also take part in the Donor’s Day. In a criminalistics laboratory of the faculty of law students get practical skills in criminalistics while carrying out practical lessons at which they are offered to answer theoretical questions, solve problems, do tests which are included in the teaching-methodical aid and a practical work on criminalistics Faculty lecture halls There are 2 lecture halls on the faculty of law equipped with multimedia projectors with the help of which the necessary information may be visually located. Students master computer technologies in specially equipped computer classes where the students can find interesting information in the Internet, work with information systems such as "Guarantor", "Consultant ", « Knigafond» at any time . The centre of legal aid to the population The centre of legal aid to citizens of Orenburg state agrarian university is structural division of Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher vocational training «Orenburg state agrarian university» (further - ОSAU). The centre of legal aid to citizens operates on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, Charter of ОSAU and other local certificates of ОSAU. The centre of legal aid to citizens carries out the functions in close interaction with all structural divisions of ОSAU. The control over activity of the Center of legal aid to citizens is carried out by Rector of ОSAU. The centre of legal aid to citizens has the purpose reception by undergraduate students of practical skills, fastening and deepening of the theoretical knowledge received by students during studies, integration of young experts into professional community of lawyers, increase of citizens legal culture. The centre of legal aid to citizens carries out the activity in the form of a public reception on a gratuitous basis in which students under the guidance of the teacher-tutor carry out an enrolment of citizens on legal questions and render them necessary legal services. The primary goal of the centre of legal aid to citizens
At the heart of the organisation and activity of the Center of legal aid to citizens the lay following legal principles:
The centre of legal aid to citizens is located: Orenburg, street Cheljuskintsev 18. OSAU. The centre of legal aid to the population (Participation of faculty in rendering of a free legal aid) Since September, 1st, 2007 in Orenburg students together with teachers of faculty of law Candidate of Legal Sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of criminal law Tsibart E.E. and Candidate of Legal Sciences, senior lecturer Narbikova N.G. conduct an enrolment of citizens in 134 lecture hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16.00 till 18.00. Students together with teachers conduct an enrolment of citizens, make projects of remedial documents. In 2009-2010 year students of 4 and 5 courses of Faculty of law on a speciality 030501 "Jurisprudence" and 040105 «Social work» pass their practice in 5 resource centres of “OSAU”. During the period from September, 1st till May, 25th according to the order students for two weeks go to the resource centres for the decision of problems on strengthening of practical preparation of students and acquisition of practical skills and abilities of the expert. Students go for legal aid rendering to Sorochinsky veterinary technical school, Ileksky zootechnical school, Adamovsky agricultural technical school, Pokrovsk agricultural college, Buzuluksky hydromeliorative technical school, and in Legal clinic on faculty of law (Orenburg). In the resource centres students conduct an enrolment of citizens and answer legal questions, make projects of remedial documents for court, Offices of Public Prosecutor, labour inspection and other organisations and establishments. At complexity occurrence at rendering of legal aid students have possibility to contact the teacher of main chairs on duty and to consult on the arisen problems or the document project. Two students conduct an enrolment of citizens in the resource centres in offices of the lawyer where there is an access to legal base "Guarantor" and Internet (with possibility of sending of the electronic message). Basically citizens address with questions of registration of the real estate, the ground areas, infringements of the labour legislation, section of property, drawing up of claim statements. For an operating time the centre has developed following methodical recommendations: methodical recommendations about use of an information-legal portal «the State services», concept of a ground share, refusal of a ground share. The head of the Center of legal aid to citizens Tsibart Evgenie Eduardovich Tsibart E.E., Narbikova N.G. Extracurricular student’s activitiesOUR TRADITION is "Dedication to Students " Each year the Faculty of Law holds "Dedication to students." The objectives of the event:
Our position is NO AIDS World AIDS Day, observed annually on December, 1. This day serves as a reminder of the need to stop the global spread of HIV / AIDS epidemic and allows residents of all countries to demonstrate international solidarity in the face of this terrible phenomenon. Symbol of the struggle against AIDS is a red ribbon - "Red Ribbon (inverted« V ») symbol of our sympathy, support and hope for a future without AIDS! Participation in the annual festival of "KVN" team Faculty of Law was formed in November 2003. Three times it was a finalist and the vice champion of Division II of KVN teams of Orenburg, Division I semi-finalist teams of KVN of Orenburg, multiple winner of the urban and regional competition "At Nicholaevskaya', winner of the summer cup of KVN teams of Orenburg in 2006. Currently KVN team of the Faculty of Law is the main part of the national team of KVN "No-Shpa" representing OSAU in an open university in inter-regional league of KVN "Vladimirskaya Rus', permanent head of the team is a lecturer of Criminal Law and Procedure department Sizov AV. Faculty of Law team: Julia Andreeva, Dmitri Anipko, Vorobyevsky Alexei Kornienko Ludmila Kutikin Ivan Latypov Azat, Medvedev, Svetlana, Oxana Peshekhonov, Poletayev Paul Riabukha Dmitri Spesivtsev Paul Stukolov Alexei Kalugin Julia Kozhukhov Nicholas. University Shooting Competetion Each year in November department of Criminal law and Procedure holds shooting competition among law students. The organizers are: lecturer Cheprasov M., Associate Professor, Tsibart E.E. Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure.Participation in sports allows you to create qualities necessary to the lawyers We are the team ... "Adaptation" are held for freshmen create conditions to the involvement of students in the social life of the faculty, the development of social activities of students, assists in organizing an effective learning process, helps to create new and to strengthen existing creative teams, strengthens the organization and conducts activities affecting students ‘ interests. Miss of Law Faculty A contest of "Miss of Law Faculty" was held in 2009. We honor and remember... «The tradition of the Orenburg State Agrarian University is "Memory Watch" dedicated to the Day of Victory in Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, to the teachers, students, employees of Agricultural Institute taken part in the War. “Students’ Spring – students’ life Each year, law students take part in the "Students’ Spring" festival. The aim of the festival is:
Mr. OGAU… V. Neretin was the second in “Mr. OGAU” festival in 2010. Science ...The Faculty of Law held its annual scientific conference "Actual problems of development of civil society at the present stage" in May2010. Invited guests: Kosteniuk AG. - Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Orenburg region, The conference was formulated by appeal to public authorities on the development of civil society in the Orenburg region. We are intellectuals ... November 10, 2010 during the Week of the quality, the conference hall, a discussion on "Prohibition: Pros and Cons" Practitioners: Lawyer LLC "Avtoyurist SC" J.V. Remzova, assistant counsel of the Bar number 180-A Chamber of Attorneys of the Orenburg region V. Knyazev Ph. D., Professor, Head of Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law A. Uvarov, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Criminal Law and Procedure E.E. Tsibart, professors of constitutional and municipal Law – S.M. Zhukova, I.A. Tukusheva. A serious dispute has arisen when considering the mechanism for administrative prosecution for driving while intoxicated. Reforming of the national legislation: Discussion of the Federal Law draft "On Police" The conference took place in November 2011. Discussion was headed by Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure E.E. Tsibart, lecturer of Criminal Law and Procedure – V.I. Zuev. All participants agreed with the need to reform the police. "The activities of internal affairs bodies shall be transparent, open and accountable to society ..." Chess Championship 2011 The championship of chess among first-year students was held in November 2011. The team of the Law Faculty was the 2nd. Andreev, GG - 12 cr.l. Model criminal trial Associate Professor Tsibart E.E. and Associate Professor Narbikova N.G. conduct business game "Trial in a criminal case with students of criminal specialization”. The Prohibition: Pros and Contras Debates on the theme: «The Prohibition: pros and contras» was held on November, 10th, 2010 within the limits of a week of quality. Organizers of debates were candidate of legal science, the lecturer of the Constitutional and Municipal Law Department of the Law Faculty of Orenburg State Agrarian University J.I.Glebova and the lecturer of the Department of the Constitutional and Municipal Law A.A.Shulakova. The participants were second year students of the Law Faculty. Practical workers had been invited by the lawyer of Stock Company «Auto lawyer SК» I.V.Remzova, the assistant to the lawyer of Bar № 180 Lawyer chambers of the Orenburg region of J.V.Knyazeva. Visitors were Doctor of legal science, professor, the head of the Department of the Constitutional and Municipal Law A.A.Uvarov; candidate of legal science, the lecturer of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law I.A.Tukusheva; lecturer of Department of the Constitutional and Municipal Law S.M.Zhukov; candidate of legal science, the head of the Department of Criminal Law E.E.Tsibart, the lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law N.V.Filippova. The question of amending the article. 19 of the Federal Law "On the Road Safety" on December 10, 1995 № 196-FZ has been considered in the discussion. Operation of vehicles by persons in a state of alcoholic, drugs or other toxic substances is prohibited under this change There was a debate about legitimacy of the procedure of adoption the law, offers on perfection of legislative process (in particular, about identification of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the course of adoption of law) have been made. Experiment with application of the test for blood alcohol level check and such drinks, as kvass, kefir, iran has been made. The device has shown 0 per thousand. Experiment has caused a particular interest in spectators and rough discussion. Serious dispute has arisen by consideration of the mechanism of attraction to administrative responsibility for management of a vehicle in a drunken state (carrying out of survey, physical examination), to resolve which have helped experts. Questions and remarks sounded not only from opponents, but also from experts, analysts, visitors and spectators. At the beginning and at the end of the debate voting has been taken (spectators voted pros or contras of the dry law), the position of contras received additional votes. We thank everybody for active participation in the discussion!Students' achievements in scienceStudent organizationsStudent Government: Objectives of the Student Council: 1) Promote an environment that encourages the active involvement of students in the social life of the faculty; The composition of the student council by sector
1. Takberdina Gulmira 1. Karataev Michael 1. Efremov Andrey 1. Baev Stanislav The presence of elected positions in Student Council. - Chairman The Student Council of the faculty is actively engaged into student government bodies of our university, such as Students' Union, student councils of faculties of Orenburg State Agrarian university, trade union organization of undergraduate and postgraduate students, also it connects with the Office of Youth Policy of the Administration of Orenburg. Our joint work can be seen in the permanent information support on both sides. We take an active part in organizing and carrying out various activities, such as: "Dedication to students," "The debut of freshman," a rally dedicated World AIDS Day, and others. Plan of Activities of the Law Faculty Council for 2011-2012 Academic Year Educational Working Schedule of the Law Faculty The Law Faculty’s work plan for 2011-2012 academic year Methodical commission’s work plan of the OSAU Law Faculty for 2011-2012 academic year AnnouncementsWe invite you to the conference Interuniversity Scientific-practical conference "Current Problems Of Formation And Development Of Civil Society In Russia And Abroad" will take place on the 20th -21st of April 2012 at Orenburg State Agrarian University, it will be devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Law Faculty of OSAU. The conference is held by the Law Faculty of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. The conference will be held in the following areas:
Will you inform us about your participation in the conference before January 23, 2012. You should send an application to participate in the conference in the attached form (Appendix) and abstract. Abstracts (in the format rtf) shall meet the following requirements: up to 5 pages, font Times New Roman, size 14, spacing 1.5, footnote page at a size 10. In the upper right corner write your surname and initials of the speaker, degree, title, position, then in the center the theme is indicated. Application form and abstracts are sent to the Organizing Committee in electronic form at Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript (request and report must be sent in two separate files attached to the letter, in the subject e-mail, you must specify the name of a participant) in writing or by e-mail address: 460000, Orenburg, Chelyuskintsev street, 18, the Department of Civil Law and Procedure. The envelope should be marked "FOR CONFERENCE 2012". Publication of Proceedings of the conference is planned by the end of the conference. Venue: Orenburg, Chelyuskintsev street, 18, Faculty of Law. Organizing Committee:
Members of the organizing committee:
You can contact the Organizing Committee by e-mail Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript if you have questions. Contact people: Acting Head of Department of Civil Law and Procedure Law Faculty of OSAU - candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer Chulyukova S.A., phone 8(3532) 77-03-32 2. Vice-dean on education law faculty OSAU, lesturer Maksimova O. Y., phone 8(3532) 77-03-32. Scientific - theoretical teacher’s seminar at the Law Faculty of Orenburg State Agrarian University on the topic "New Legislation of the Russian Federation" will take place on the 1st, 8th of December 2011. On the 1st of December the Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law Professor A.A. Uvarov and the Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure senior-lecturer Tsibart E.E. make presentations. On the 8th of December 2011 Senior-Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Krivolapova L.V., Senior-Lecturer of the Department of Land and labor law, N.V. Gulak, Senior-Lecturer of the Department of Land and labor law Ivanova, S.V. make presentations. The meeting of the Council of the Law Faculty with an agenda for the work plan will be held on the 8th of December 2011 in class 50 at 2 p.m. Ceremonial event "Debut of Freshman" will be held on the 16th of December, 2011 in the auditorium of the main building. Staff and students are invited. Christmas party for employees' children will be held on the 27th of December 2011 at 2 p.m. in the foyer of the University. Students’ Theatre will show the New Year's tale at 3 p.m. in the auditorium. Admission is free. |
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